What are royalty free images?

Many people out there think royalty free (RF) images are free to use. In reality it means you pay a one-time fee to use this image. Once you pay this one-time fee, you can use this image however many times, and wherever you would like, without future payments required. There are many different sites where you can find royalty images, i will list some below.

This is just a short list of websites that offer RF photo's, and also these websites do not require attribution (meaning you do not need to say where you got them)

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Swangirl Premium
That is exactly what I needed. You answered my question. Thank you!
JesseLaird Premium
No problem,.I'm glad it helped! :)
Thank you for teaching me how to find free images for my upcoming website!
JesseLaird Premium
No problem, im glad it helped :)
KatieMac Premium
Nice tutorial images is a part of building our sites
JesseLaird Premium
Thanks for the feedback Katie :) and yes images can be very crucial, I often look at things online and see no pictures just words, and just left because nothing intrigued me..
Ivine Premium Plus
Very good training. Irv.
JesseLaird Premium
Thanks Irv!! I hope it helped you out :)
Mac01 Premium
Great training, Jesse. I use Pixabay a bit and it seems really good. I've liked and "liked" it.
JesseLaird Premium
Thanks Mac! I personally use Pixabay myself and i like it as well! Thank you for the like as well :)
Mac01 Premium
My pleasure! Keep up the good work.
JesseLaird Premium
Thank you, and you too :)