With Wordpress, you can create Table of Content quite easily.

In this tutorial, we are going to use Easy Table of Content plugin.

You can downoad it here or from Wordpress repository. >>> https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-table-of-contents/

If you search the internet, in old days people were more interested in another plugin called Table of Content Pro but I found out that the plugin has not been updated by the owner for long time.

What is more interesting is that the Easy Table of Content plugin is the mirror of the Table of Content Pro - so I am very confident we are using the right reliable plugin for the task

So here's the step by step how to install the plugin. If you have installed any plugin from Wordpress repository, the process is the same.

  1. Log in to wordpress > Dashboard
  2. Plugin > add new plugin
  3. Search for Easy Table of Content (20k installation, 5 star rating) and compatible with Wordpress V4.9.7
  4. Install the plugin > Activate

In the next page, we are going to see some of the setting for the plugin to work and create the table of content the way we want it.

See you in next page...

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CandP Premium
Excellent training Joe, very thorough. We haven't needed to create a table of contents as yet but we know it will be coming up soon. Thanks for taking the time.
Colette and Philip
newmarketpro Premium
You're most welcome Colette and Phillip.
Table of content is only required in certain situation. Since there are a lot of discussion on having long articles to get ranking, this should be helpful.

Thank you for taking time and participate.

MKearns Premium
Great post-Joe. Definitlyneededd for varied and lengthy content indexing!
newmarketpro Premium
Thanks Mike.
Appreciate your comments.

jennyjewel Premium
Hi Joe, Thanks for sharing, very interesting.
newmarketpro Premium
My pleasure Jenny. :)
Vickic3 Premium
Hi Joe
Thank you for this training
I have used this on my website and hope it is ok
Thank you
newmarketpro Premium
If you can share the screenshot of it, that would be great.
Thank you Vicki.

eliteam1 Premium
great explain.but how looks on site.can you attach that too?
newmarketpro Premium
You can see at the end of the training (page 5).
eliteam1 Premium
i mean how looks on site
newmarketpro Premium
Unfortunately I have deleted the demo post. But to get the idea, if you see the image in the post, it should look like that.

p/s- will try to have another demo post and post it here later tonight. I have just started the site where I want to use this plugin to create the Table of Content.

Thank you for checking it out.

eliteam1 Premium
yw.notify me when i can see it