Let's find out How To Create A New Writing Template
From the SiteContent Dashboard as shown above, click on the 3rd option Templates - the SiteContent platform can be found on the top left of this page under the SiteRubix heading.
The following window will open:
- Recently Used Templates
- Create A New Template
- Use An Existing Template (shown in Template Dashboard)
For the purpose of the tutorial, we'll create a New Template
2/ Once you've clicked on Create A New Template the following window opens:
- Word Count
- Headings
- Paragraphs
- Finish
3/ Click in the field that requires you to Enter A Name For The Template and type in the name of your choice
4/ Choose and click on a targeted Word Count you wish to reach within your content of your article
6/ Once you click on Save & Continue it will automatically open the next step, Headings.
7/ Choose and click on the amount of Headings you want in your content
8/ Now click on Save & Continue
9/ Once you click on Save & Continue it will automatically open the next step, Paragraphs.
11/ The last step confirms that you have created the Template successfully
- Start Writing With This Template
- Change Template
- Create Another Template
Now that we've Created A New Writing Template, let's find out How To Read Writing Skills Stats