Let's find out How To Create A New Article
From the SiteContent Dashboard, scroll down to the Create New Icon shown in the image above.
1/ Click on the Create New Icon
2/ It will open into a new window entitled: SiteContent Create New Article shown below
3/ Choose if you want to Start A Blank Document and click on the left icon, or if you want to create From A Writing Template click on the right icon.
4/ For the purpose of this tutorial, we'll choose to Start A Blank Document as we're starting at the beginning.
5/ Click on the Start A Blank Document
6/ This will open into a new window entitled: SiteContent Editor shown below
7/ Under the heading there are 3 icons:
- Back To My Dashboard
- Make This A Template
- Bucket List
Since we are wanting to create a new article, we don't want to go back to the dashboard and we're creating a New Article not a template and we don't have a bucket list as such.
8/ Ignoring those icons we'll go straight to the Title
9/ Click in the field for the Title and type in the Title of your choice for your article
10/ Now we have the Title, we can create the body of the article and add links if need be as well as format the content with Headings - H1, H2, H3, Paragraph P, Bold B, Italics i, Underline U, URL Link, Bullet Lists 123, Spell Check ABC
At this stage, this version of SiteContent is not yet equipped, but is in the pipeline, to add images. However this can be added once you have published your article to your website - just open WordPress and edit accordingly adding media.
Once you've completed the body of your article and formatted it accordingly, the Save Draft and Publish icons appear.
11/ Click on the Save Draft icon if you're not ready to Publish the article yet, or click on the Publish icon if you are ready to send it straight to your website!
12/ Click on the Save Draft to make sure your article is saved now
13/ Now click on the Publish To Website icon and then click on the down arrow to Choose A Website to publish the article to
Website options will not appear in the drop-down box:
- If you have not created a SiteRubix website within Wealthy Affiliate, click on this link to do so.
- If you have not Hosted a website within Wealthy Affiliate you need to do so
- If you have not purchased a Domain, click on this link to do so
Should you have any questions and queries regarding this, please leave your comments below.
14/ Select the website you want to publish the article too and select either Post or Page
15/ Once you've selected either Post or Page for your article to be published in, then click on the Choose User Icon to choose a User from the Publication Settings window:
17/ Once you are satisfied with all your Publication Settings, click on the Publish button.
And VOILA! Your article is being processed to your website.
As this is happening, there is an Authenticity Check being done to guard against plagiarism, once this is complete you will receive a Confirmation Message that your article has been published.
At this point you can either:
- View Post
- Edit In WordPress (this is recommended if you want to add images)
- Create More Content
- Go To SiteContent Dashboard
Now that we know How To Create A New Article in Site Content, let's find out How To Create A Template