Now we going to explore the features that you have available with WP Table Builder!

From my screenshot above, you will notice an already added Star rating in each column.

To add a star rating just drag & drop the star rating feature in the column box. To add the rating click on 1,2,3,4, or 5. You even have the option to add a higher rating.

Adding Button:

Go back up to manage cells and add another row at the bottom. (Close)

The Screenshot above is to add buttons.

To add buttons, drag & drop button feature menu in the column box. Click on that button to edit text, you will have options to change button style with size & color as shown in the screenshot above.

Adding Link to Buttons:

Click on each button, the link from the left menu, to enter your affiliate link and edit the settings.

Complete each column row until you are happy with the style. Save

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YvonneBray Premium
Thank you for showing us how to create comparison tables. This training will help a great deal.
DMelB Premium
Nice and to the point training.
This will come in handy soon.
Thanks for sharing.

Parameter Premium
Thank you Jannette

Very resourceful, coming handy when needed

MartyT1 Premium
Awesome, I needed this! Was searching through WA platform and when I refreshed this appeared.
MelWaller Premium
This is great Jannette! Thanks!
