Author LynneHuy
Rank 1690

Growing a successful Facebook page takes some time and effort and yes, on occasion sometimes a little money too.

One of the things that I have used regularly over the last 4 years to grow my Mommy Blog Facebook page is Facebook advertising. I love using the service to boost individual posts.

The great thing about using Facebook advertising is that you can stop and starts ads whenever you like. In addition you can fine tune your target audience.

You can choose whether you want to target your Facebook fans, your fans and their friends or people that don't like your page.

You can then also choose to target people based on their gender, age and location as well as things that they have already liked on Facebook.

I hope you have enjoyed this quick tutorial showing you how to boost a Facebook post, if you would like more tips on how to grow your Facebook page (without paying) here is a tutorial I published:

And if you don't have a Facebook page yet, here's how to set one up:

I hope you enjoyed this training. please let me know if you have any questions or let me know if there is any other training you would like me to add for you!

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JewelCarol Premium
Great training, thanks for sharing, Lynne. :)
Defiant6 Premium
Thank you for posting this because I have toying with this lately as it is definitely a big direction I want to move into.
LynneHuy Premium
Oh yes you must! It can really help your Facebook page to grow nicely.
Steve1958 Premium
Hi it's not even a question...YOU'RE A KEEPER!
I have been looking for something like this since...a long time!
Thank you very much...
This post has definitely made it to my TOE DOE list! Tomorrow!
Best wishes
LynneHuy Premium
I am so happy to help Steve!
KelseyLim Premium
Hi Lynne, I need help. I always cannot hear your voice even when I turned up to maximum. There is anything to do with my setting. Are others also having similar problem. [kelsey]
LynneHuy Premium
Hi Kelsey. Umm I don't know, I haven't had any feedback that there is a problem with the sound.

Once a good couple of months ago someone said their wasa slight echo in one of my videos.

The sound when I play it goes really loud... way too loud to hear my own voice that's for sure LOL.

I am not sure what settings you would need to look at?
KelseyLim Premium
It seems to be happening to all your training videos over at my computer. Wonder if anyone can suggest some solution??? [Kelsey]
LynneHuy Premium
Oh dear :( Let me ask?
LynneHuy Premium
Hi Kelsey

I've asked other members to check the sound and everyone says everything is good?
dismany Premium
Kelsey, have you tried using headphones? That may help.
LynneHuy Premium
Kelsey are you using a Mac?

When using a Mac, the audio volume problem is caused by Safari. By changing to Chrome for the browser, the problem goes away.
KelseyLim Premium
No, I am on window 8pro desktop PC. Your utube channel sound great on the PC speakers. Seems like I have to listen to your training with the headphone. Hee hee. [Kelsey]
KelseyLim Premium
Thanks. It works fine when using my headphone. Kind of strange isn't it. [Kelsey]
LynneHuy Premium
Ok strange! But I am glad you have it sorted now :)
JohnMks Premium
Great training! Thank you for sharing!