How To Follow Practicable Blogging Tips

Follow practicable blogging tips to implementing working strategies as highlighted below:

Tip 1. Never post spam comments on blogs: Some people are in the habit of posting spam comments on blogs such as "Nice post", "Great job", "Very interesting" and the likes. Such comments are detrimental to any blog and can be likened to refuse on a dung-hill. Blog owners will frown at you and will never approve such comments let alone giving you a mention on their blogs.

Tip 2, Read posts down the page and leave relevant comments: Before you leave comments on any blog, make sure to read the content down the page and flesh out relevant points for making your comments. The blog owner, while checking to approve your comment, will be glad to see you leave such a valuable and relevant comment. On the standard, ensure to make your comments up to 150 words in length.

Tip 3. Contribute your blogging quotas in comments: While commenting on any blog post, make sure to contribute excellent blogging ideas, ask relevant questions and thank the author.

Tip 4. Submit and publish guest posts: To avoid getting frustrated as a veteran blogger, ensure to submit written proposals to pros and publish guest posts on invitations. This is the greatest way to give your blog maximum exposure and the most strategic way to drive massive traffic to your own blog. Ignore this excellent blogging idea or count guest posting for pros a waste of time and prolong your journey towards getting pro blogging results.

Tip 5. Use your true identity: Leverage tools like "Gravatar" to display your true identity while outreaching.

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LouisaB Premium
First and furthermore, I must say that you are a great blogger and author. I think you put a lot in getting the work out there for your viewer's.
I am grateful to get this very unique training filled with lot's of great and useful information.

Thank you,

Louisa B
Israel17 Premium
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jenni1309 Premium
Great advice, thank you. Haven't commented on pro bloggers in my niche. Will need to take a look at this strategy in the near future.
Memorylaneuk Premium
This is great advice. And I guess time well spent.
With Grace and Gratitude
ElaineSmith1 Premium
Great job!!!

Tried and True

Israel17 Premium
Thanks for reading friend! Greatly appreciated!
dchapman3 Premium
This is a great reminder on how to create great blogs and how you as a commenter should approach each time you give comments.

Sometimes, I believe people get into a hurry and do not provide quality comments, thus they look spammy. I know I have been guilty of this.

This article reminded me that if you do not have time to give quality comments, do not bother as they hurt more than they help.

Getting the attention of the reader so they will spend their time reading your post is an art everyone needs to master.

I look forward to your post as they are always so helpful.

Israel17 Premium
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