How to arrange my priorities?

Imagine you picked three priorities. Let’s say these:

  • Posting my content on social media,
  • Creating content for my site,
  • Learning tech skills.

Now, which of these is the most important right now? You may have enough content to share, so posting on social media could be the one.

You’d like to learn new skills and stay in the loop. Is it learning tech skills?

What’s the core of your business? Creating useful content I suppose. Creating content is always a good thing to do. Ask yourself, what happens if I create another post today. Should I focus on new content and do promotion later?

It’s all about the stage you’re currently at. If you’re a beginner, you may be better of creating new content. If you’re a seasoned writer, you may want to focus on reaching more people.

Whatever your pick is, ensure you focus on one action at a time! My rule of thumb is simple: that single action must get you closer to your main goal. If it doesn’t, you picked your priorities incorrectly.

Imagine, you were good at choosing your priorities. What next?

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docub Premium
Thanks for sharing in this "overload world" of chaos, if we aren't able to organize tasks. Great topic and always great to refocus and make things run smoother.
MudreM Premium
My pleasure. Thank you, Brian.
Magieken Premium
I need to do 100%. If I don't I stress & end up doing nothing. I enjoyed reading your training & you have made some reslly good points. We all need a plan.
MudreM Premium
Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.
MKearns Premium
Pare things down to be more manageable! and you should be OK!
MudreM Premium
That's right, Mike. Cheers.
peter65 Premium
You have done well, thanks for sharing, all the best, God bless you.
MudreM Premium
No problemo. Thanks.
AArcher Premium
Great post! Can't wait to try it out
MudreM Premium
Good luck Archer.