Do it first!

That’s right. No excuses. If it’s creating new content, make sure you get rid of all distractions and focus on creating content.

Always put it on top of your daily roster. Ignore all other ‘priorities’ until you complete this one.

Don’t let anyone distract you. If you think your phone’s gonna ring or keep notifying about whatever, shut it off. Don’t play music. Do it in silence. That’s the single most productive noise you can imagine. Turn off all notifications that drive your attention away.

Visualise your goal. For example, a post published by midday. It’s possible if you start at 8.00 in the morning.

Start writing. Don’t stop until you have a decent draft. Go through it. Cut it in shorter paragraphs to make it easier to read. Think of some images that fit nicely, but don’t do anything about it until it’s done.

It’s critically important you do not consult the internet! It’s gonna distract you big time. Focus on creating content.

When it’s done, find some images, come up with a catchy headline, ensure the keywords are there, slam the same keywords in the first sentence, insert images, press publish and sort out the details afterwards.

It’s 11.25. You made it! Congats!

OK. Now what?

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docub Premium
Thanks for sharing in this "overload world" of chaos, if we aren't able to organize tasks. Great topic and always great to refocus and make things run smoother.
MudreM Premium
My pleasure. Thank you, Brian.
Magieken Premium
I need to do 100%. If I don't I stress & end up doing nothing. I enjoyed reading your training & you have made some reslly good points. We all need a plan.
MudreM Premium
Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.
MKearns Premium
Pare things down to be more manageable! and you should be OK!
MudreM Premium
That's right, Mike. Cheers.
peter65 Premium
You have done well, thanks for sharing, all the best, God bless you.
MudreM Premium
No problemo. Thanks.
AArcher Premium
Great post! Can't wait to try it out
MudreM Premium
Good luck Archer.