6. Pick a Budget that Best Suits Your Lifestyle

Does it seem scary to leave your job and be an influencer full-time? It doesn't have to be that complicated.

You need two columns to create a table. One side of the table should contain needs. These are the basic needs you require to live. Fill the other half with your wants. These are the things that you don't need but would still love in an ideal future.

Why are we doing it? No, we're not expanding into financial services. You need to know how much you spend monthly to survive. So, that you can make a living and live free of the 9-5 grind forever. This takes planning, work, commitment, and perseverance.


Here are the main tips to help you become an influencer:

  • Choose your social media channels.
  • Build your community.
  • Be consistent.
  • Develop a content strategy.
  • Attract more attention to your work.
  • Pick a budget that best suits your lifestyle.

Here are some more tutorials to help you reach your goals:

Use Twitter to build a following as a Social Influencer.

Know your audience and how to attract followers.

How to make content unique and build a brand.

Influencers are not just high-profile celebrities anymore they are people who are passionate about a subject to the point where people want to hear their advice and follow them. Anyone can become an influencer given time and application.

Please leave a comment and a like as it’s great to chat with you.

Warm Regards,


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BrendaMZ Premium Plus
The influencer approach seems logical. The training you provided gives value for us. This may be appropriate in some niches to do this. It’s difficult to manage all these social media’s platform. If not careful, one can get the ban. I feel strongly that one or two is great to get started and build it up from there. The keyword is to gain trust.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Absolutely Brenda. That's great advice. Each platform has its own rules and style so it's important to really get to know each one.

Lily 😁🎶
RCanty Premium Plus
Nicely put together, Lily! I would love to be come an influencer< in time. One day!

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
I can see you as an influencer Canty.
It's an achievable dream.

Henry-II Premium
Hi Lily!

Becoming an influencer has many advantages. But reaching that status has always seemed a very ambitious goal. There are so many things to juggle. However, thanks for the points you mentioned here. It's a guide. If we consistently apply these, we'll end up being a reference in our niche.

Thank you!
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Absolutely Henry. It's a good goal.
Siobhan3 Premium
Great post!
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Thanks Siobhan.
Siobhan3 Premium
You're welcome!
Israel17 Premium
Thanks, Lily! Becoming an influencer requires being helpful, building a strong online presence, and building engagement with the audience. Thanks again!

Israel Olatunji
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
All good advice Israel.