2. Build Your Community

Invite followers to join you in groups, forums, and fan sites. It is a good idea also to encourage followers to follow your content on other platforms.

Your platform will grow, and you may not always be able to reply to every comment. But it is essential to be present on your accounts. As a general rule, it is best to respond at least three times to comments or questions.

Be a peer in the community to be an influencer. This includes always responding to questions and comments.

3. Be Consistent

To grab your audience's attention, you can also create a weekly or monthly series. Whatever way you decide to attract them, a schedule can be helpful to you to keep posting regularly.

Engage your audience by providing high-quality content on an ongoing basis. That builds anticipation and makes it easier for followers to return to your site to find out what new content is available.

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BrendaMZ Premium Plus
The influencer approach seems logical. The training you provided gives value for us. This may be appropriate in some niches to do this. It’s difficult to manage all these social media’s platform. If not careful, one can get the ban. I feel strongly that one or two is great to get started and build it up from there. The keyword is to gain trust.
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Absolutely Brenda. That's great advice. Each platform has its own rules and style so it's important to really get to know each one.

Lily 😁🎶
RCanty Premium Plus
Nicely put together, Lily! I would love to be come an influencer< in time. One day!

Aussiemuso Premium Plus
I can see you as an influencer Canty.
It's an achievable dream.

Henry-II Premium
Hi Lily!

Becoming an influencer has many advantages. But reaching that status has always seemed a very ambitious goal. There are so many things to juggle. However, thanks for the points you mentioned here. It's a guide. If we consistently apply these, we'll end up being a reference in our niche.

Thank you!
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Absolutely Henry. It's a good goal.
Siobhan3 Premium
Great post!
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
Thanks Siobhan.
Siobhan3 Premium
You're welcome!
Israel17 Premium
Thanks, Lily! Becoming an influencer requires being helpful, building a strong online presence, and building engagement with the audience. Thanks again!

Israel Olatunji
Aussiemuso Premium Plus
All good advice Israel.