Your Windows Explorer is basically any folder you open. Create a New Folder or click one already nearby to bring up a window.

Click in your folder’s address bar and just like using a web browser, type the following:


Press ENTER.

You should now see a new panel requesting login info.

Refer back to the webpage or browser with your WA FTP info open.

Use the FTP username and password only. Copy and paste, if you’re able, to prevent spelling errors. (feel free to click Save Password so you don’t have to keep logging into your FTP module in the future)

Click Log On.

After a few seconds, a folder should come up with “The Internet” (or something close) at the start of your address bar, followed by your site’s domain name to the right.

You should see a folder named “http” or something close to it. Click It to access your website’s contents.

WARNING: Don’t delete anything! Just search for your most recent contents in your folder to copy and save elsewhere. This copied backup will come in handy should any website updates cause you to lose files. Feel free to backup the entire folder of course, if you have the space to save all that content.

And that should do it! FTP access, everyone. Feel free to click Next for a Bonus how-to!

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bpais1 Premium
Great training, Dawn! I've done this in years past but, this was a great refresher for me!

And, you included such a simple little fix for saved "bad passwords"...!

I commend you and hope that you do some more training to keep us out of website trouble!

LouisaB Premium
Great tutorial with lots of details. Thank you for a wonderful walk through.
ChrisKrolik Premium
brilliant tutorial! very useful. can this technique be used instead of FileZilla?
littlemama Premium Plus
Be used where instead of FileZilla? The instructions here can probably applied to any FTP application.
ChrisKrolik Premium
Thank you Littlemama, I was wondering what's the point of using FileZilla since we can access site directories through FTP connection, but probably may need to educate myself more in this particular area
littlemama Premium Plus
FileZilla is a type of FTP connection. :)
Dinh Premium
I should start a backup plan:)
MKearns Premium
Lesson 6 seems to be the core of logging into the ftp panel and making it work. Great tactics Dawn!
05Dawn Premium
Thank you very much! It was fun putting this together.