Pictures are sometimes quite large if you are using your phone to take pictures. Sometimes when you open a picture in Paint, it is so large that you can't see what's in the picture.
Before you start to add text to your picture, you need to resize it. In the image below, you can see that I have clicked on the Resize button and selected Percentage to resize the image. Resizing in percentages is easier than pixels and for very large pictures I start with 50%. If you need a certain pixel size then choose pixels here.
If the image is still too large after I've resized it by 50%, I then reduce it in increments of 25% until I get the size I'm looking for.
You can toggle this screen afterwards and check the pixel size if you are looking for a specific size.
Paint is already on most PCs. Why buy something else when my machine has this program. Use what we already have is one of the best ways to use our time wisely .
Like, we do not have enough time to do everything in our busy days, si? So, any program that is simple, easy to use and conveniently already loaded on our devices is a big Plus.
Its now in my training folder.
Talk soon