Next, we are going to actually open an image and add text to the image.
Click in the upper left hand corner and open an image.
You can see in the image that I have added text in two different places using two different colors.
When you click the letter A and then click inside your image, you will see a Text tab open. If it's not open, click it to open it.
Here is where you can change the font type, style and size.
To move your text: type the text and BEFORE you hit enter, hover your mouse over the corner of the box until you see a 4-sided arrow. Click and drag your text into position. Then click Enter. If you make a mistake, click the Undo button in the upper left hand corner.
NOTE: When saving your pictures, save them using a different name. That way, if you make a mistake, you can always go back to the original and start again.
Paint is already on most PCs. Why buy something else when my machine has this program. Use what we already have is one of the best ways to use our time wisely .
Like, we do not have enough time to do everything in our busy days, si? So, any program that is simple, easy to use and conveniently already loaded on our devices is a big Plus.
Its now in my training folder.
Talk soon