The image below indicates four different things we can do here.

  1. Open an image
  2. Rotating an image
  3. Resizing an image
  4. Adding text to the image

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T1967 Premium
Hey Alanna, NICE ONE...THANK YOU ...bookmarked for later xoxoxo
JaniceNichol Premium
Thank you Alanna. This is very helpful. For people that aren't familiar with Paint, this will be very beneficial. You were very explicit in your tutorial and I love the screen shots. One day, I hope to be able to do the same. Not any time soon, though. Too much other stuff to learn.
Keisi Premium
Hola Alanna, Thank you for posting this tutorial.

Paint is already on most PCs. Why buy something else when my machine has this program. Use what we already have is one of the best ways to use our time wisely .

Like, we do not have enough time to do everything in our busy days, si? So, any program that is simple, easy to use and conveniently already loaded on our devices is a big Plus.
dorina62 Premium
Thanks for the training! I bookmarked and I'll use it in the near future!
terrycarroll Premium
Great tutorial Alanna - thank you.Much simpler than Photoshop.
Its now in my training folder.
Talk soon
emerald860 Premium
Glad it can help you, Terrycarroll!