This is the email you can expect to get once you've been accepted.

I received this on 30th June, after using Method 1, the Plug-in.

Thank you so much for following this Tutorial. Hope this info was useful to you!

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I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have (or refer you to someone who can)... bearing in mind how un-techy I am. He he...

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markr0675 Premium
Thanks Lauren, it's good to have the step by step. I'm not techie either.
IlonaL Premium
Thank you Lauren! I also didn`t find any tutorial about that. So I am so happy that YOU wrote this tutorial here. I made that now and wait for google adsens it ready now or what? Hope everything went right :)
laurenjean Premium
HI Ilona, I am also still waiting for approval. We wait together. :)
Loes Premium
Why is it you overrule the request from Amazon? To place it behind the /head? Just curious
laurenjean Premium
Hi Loes, because when I did that it didn't work. Adsense didn't pick up that I had added the code.
Loes Premium
And beneath the head tag it did pick you up, thanks, nice to know
laurenjean Premium
Oops! Sorry Loes, I cannot verify that just yet. My sincere apologies, I have jumped the gun by adding this training before I could verify that these methods actually work. However, I am testing both methods. Option 1 on Inspiring Mompreneurs and Option 2 on Happy Human Pacifier, so should be able to confirm in 3 days.
DawnaL Premium
Great post, but I can't access editor on here. WA restricts me to do so and It's been over a week since AdSense has responded to me so I don't know if they are going to approve my site or not. How did you manage to access editor?
laurenjean Premium
Hi Dawn, the beauty of the plugin is there's no need to access editor at all. I found that method way simpler and less scary because you're not messing around with code.
I had no problem accessing the editor on my WA site. As far as I know, WA allows access to editor.
Perhaps the issue is your theme?
Have you asked Site Support to check why your editor is not working?
DawnaL Premium
Thanks for the quick reply! I just thought it was standard saying we are restricted to it because people can really mess up their site. I know a bit of HTML and have edited PHP files outside of WA so I would like access to editor. I will get in touch with support. Thanks!
MAstick Premium
Thank you for sharing
laurenjean Premium
Shoo, that was fast! Thanks for liking and commenting, Mark.