So ...

There are no settings you need to configure.

Simply open your post/page using the Wordpress editor, and you'll notice a new tooltip icon added to your toolbar:

If you click it, a lightbox will appear allowing you to enter the information that you want the tooltip to show:

And that's all! Here's the live result in my case:

OK. Now let's see some closing thoughts ...

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Claudiojuan Premium
Many thanks for sharing!
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time!
ShihTzuSteve Premium
This is another strategy that i hadn’t previously considered. Now I’m aware of it and have your training to refer to I will be looking at using tooltips where appropriate from now on.
Thanks, Zed, for extending my technical knowledge once again.
smartketeer Premium
Once again, thank YOU!
TeamIceCream Premium
Hi Zed
Thank you for the Short Code that you've added, now THAT is a useful piece of information, thank you!
Is there something that can be added to the short code in order to turn it off on mobile?
You are such a star - thank you for sharing your knowledge with us!
Sharlee (Chocolate IceCream)
smartketeer Premium
Hi Sharle,

No, you can't alter this shortcode to customize the mobile usage. Usually that's a theme-dependent option.
TeamIceCream Premium
Oh I understand. Thank you for clarifying that, Zed!
Wishing you an awesome day!
Sharlee (Chocolate IceCream)
TomCaldwell1 Premium
Thank you for the training.
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for the time Tom!
mcknisu Premium
Sounds like a great tool. I will try this!! Thank you for the tips!! Cheers., Susan
smartketeer Premium
Thanks for stopping by Susan!