Do you have those days where you can't focus on your site? Perhaps you are not particularly motivated or are not feeling creative. You WANT to do something for your site and for your business. And you know if you don't work on your site you will feel down about the fact that you didn't.

But you just can't get started. This happens to me plenty. This training will provide you with some ideas of how you can be productive when you are just not feeling it. Or if you have ten minutes between appointments and want to do something to further your business.

The coming pages will offer some ideas on how to work through this AND reap some benefits!

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Neil Little Premium
Earn credits for commenting, what is this?
I have been a member for a long time but wasn't on here that much in 2015 so no doubt have missed out on what is happening.
You are right though. this is a great community and one that I will spend more time on in 2016.
Marith Premium
Neil, we got a new comment feature in 2015, you give comments on web-sites and get comments back. Great platform, check it out here
You find it under the light blue siterubix-box, good luck :-))
Neil Little Premium
Thank you very much for your reply.
I will go and have a look.
KatieMac Premium
Good tutorial well done, I divide my time up each day so I can keep focused, know what I am like end up doing more than one job at a time
paulgoodwin Premium
I am always at my site because there is always thing to do to improve
ibmountain Premium
I have plenty to improve and plenty to do there too. Some days though I just struggle!!
paulgoodwin Premium
as do we all my dear!!!
mijareze Premium
Thank you for your tutorial! Good luck with it...
bjdluna Premium Plus
Thank you for this! I feel that way a lot!
ibmountain Premium
unfortunately so do I! It helps that I can still feel productive if I cannot get motivated to work on my site.
Leoness Premium
This provided a lot of clarification and inspiration for me, and just at the right time... Thank you!

~ Christine
ibmountain Premium
You're welcome, glad it is useful!