2 - Degrades User Experience

The speed it takes for your website to load will very likely affect the user experience of your visitors.

If your website loads under 3 seconds, you will be providing a great user experience to visitors and a reason to stay longer. But if the reverse is the case, their experience is anything but great. And this leads to a reduction in the user's session depth on your website.

Now let's check out the results a 5-second delay brings on your users.

A 4.9% drop in the number of posts read was noticed after a first-second delay in the load speed, and another 7.9% drop discovered after the third-second delay in the load speed.

The longer the delays in the website loading speed, the lower the user experience and the number of articles read per visitor.

3 - Higher Abandoned Cart Rate

A slow loading speed doesn't just end up degrading user experience; it can cost you higher abandoned carts.

From Shopify studies on the effect of the loading speed on e-commerce, 47% of consumers expect your web pages to load in 2 seconds. And if this isn't the case, then 40% of them will abandon the web page if it takes longer than 3 seconds.

One other study puts it at a 7% drop in revenue for just one-second delay in loading speed. And imagine that the annual revenue for an online store is $10,000,000.

7% of that amount would be a whopping $700,000 loss in revenue in just one year, simply because the web pages took an extra second to load.

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Edubosah Premium
The loading speed is one of the things we need to watch out, because slow speed can make you lose traffic, wonderful content.
Israel17 Premium
Oh, yes, when it takes longer than 3 seconds for pages to load, most visitors click away never to return to your site. Thanks for your valuable contribution!

Israel Olatunji
Claudiojuan Premium
You are very right the loading speed of our sites is a factor to take into account.
Thank you very much Israel!!
Israel17 Premium
Honestly, Claudio, a site with a page load time of 4 seconds and much longer cannot get anywhere on SERPs. Thanks for your lovely contribution!

Israel Olatunji
CharlesI Premium
Of course everyone want to get things done fast,so fast loading site will attract visitors.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for your lovely comment, Charles! Oh, yes, that's the current pace of the world right now. Search engines do not rank sites that load longer than 3 seconds as this results in bad user experience.

Israel Olatunji
Keny44 Premium
Thanks for the nice tutorial. Sure load speed has effect on bounce rate. Kudos to you for the detailed explanations.
Israel17 Premium
Wonderful comment, Keny! Your site loses tons of cash for not loading in 3 seconds or less. Do all humanly possible to improve on that.

Israel Olatunji
saruth Premium Plus
Thank you very much for another wonderful tutorial. I really appreciate it.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for appreciating this tutorial, Saruth ! I remain grateful, my friend. You can take all the corrective measures to rank your site higher in search results by improving its loading speed.

Israel Olatunji