1. Brand Building

An influencer's mastery and credibility can really influence you and your blog, leading to building a brand. If they link to your blog, and they eventually share your posts on social media platforms, tweeting and retweeting your posts, it would be a pointer to their followers that you have an information portal that is worth visiting.

Note that influencers understand their degree of influence in the online world and they would be so selective about which blog to link to and which blog never to link to. If an influencer discovers a lot of typos and blogging heresies in what you write on your blog, you will destroy the relationship you've been building with him so far. He won't share your posts neither will he tweet nor retweet any of your posts.

2. Boosted Traffic

When a big-time influencer links to your blog through one of the posts on his blog, videos, podcasts or social channels, the connection can dispatch an ample flow of traffic to your own blog.

The greatest way to achieve this from an influencer is through your guest posts that they published on their blogs. You can drive hundreds of thousands of visitors to your blog. And this is a great way to build links back to your blog in due time.

And with the links you'll be getting back to your blog over time, you will build your Page-Rank and drive unlimited traffic to your blog in a lifetime.

3. Worthwhile Relationship

You never can tell where the connections can take you in the nearest future. Influencers work to a certain stage in life when they will begin to look for other people to partner with. And they can't partner with who they didn't know. And this is the reason you must build strong relationships with influencers in your niche.

While reaching out to influencers to start building bonds, make sure to connect only to the niche-related ones as you can only get high-quality links back to your blog this way.

A fascinating thing that may happen after a few years of building bonds with the niche-related influencers is that you may be given a fraction of their earnings based on freelancing as they may need your help in that area.

They would have grown their blogs so large that they wouldn't be able to continue alone to satisfy their readers' appetites for high-quality and informative content at all times. And, so, they will need someone like you having built a strong relationship for a long time with them to handle a fractional part of their business.

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Rayso Premium
Good article Israel. I have noticed in the Facebook Groups that people who set up a Group and really work it for their members are getting plenty of engagement.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for your contribution, Rayso! As said earlier in my tutorial, unless you build an engagement with your groups, communities or buy Ads packages on social media platforms, getting a decent amount of traffic from social media platforms is no longer feasible only with sharing posts, liking posts and doing all such things like before.

You can access all of my training resources here:

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Israel Olatunji
Vitaminsplus Premium
Interesting prospective on social media. I have the same problem everything cost cost and cost, where does it end?
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for the engagement opportunity, Vitaminsplus! Much appreciated! I've seen a lot of veterans who focused deeply on socializing, though it's good to socialize, it's no longer an ideal way to get an ample amount of traffic like before when the Ads packages have not yet been added to the social media platforms. They want you to buy their Ads packages now to get any decent amount of traffic at all.

You can access all of my training resources here:

Or you can get a quick overview of my training resources through the links below: Thanks for the visit,
Israel Olatunji
VeganSheldon Premium
Hi Israel would you mind defining what an influencer is?
Israel17 Premium
An influencer is such an authority blogger who, by his domain authority, personality in the blogging world, and mastery, can help you get to the top ranking positions in Google. An influencer is all you need to get connections to the top bloggers in your niche and to get a first-page ranking within a short period of time alongside building out your site with quality and engaging content.

You can access all of my training resources here:

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Israel Olatunji
EandS2018 Premium
Great article very informative,
Many Blessings, Scarlett and Elaine
Israel17 Premium
Kudos to you for the engagement opportunity, friend! Have you started building bonds with the niche-related influencers? These are the authority bloggers who can hold you in the hand and lift you up to the top opportunities online. Getting links from top influencers in your niche can do your SEO a lot of good.

You can access all of my training resources here:

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Israel Olatunji
bigrog44 Premium
Thanks for sharing, Israel.
Israel17 Premium
Thanks for stopping by, friend! Much appreciated! Once you can learn the strategy for building strong relationships with influencers successfully, you will move your blog up to the top of the Page Rank soonest.

You can access all of my training resources here:

Or you can get a quick overview of my training resources through the links below: Thanks for the visit,
Israel Olatunji