What is on your page?

When visitors arrive at your website what is their first impression? Are you making it easy for them to read? Find what they want? Offering the chance to convert, subscribe, click?

1. Font size.

This is probably the biggest turn off and reason a visitor leaves your site and doesn't return.

Visitors want your information to be easy to read. If the font size is too small that traffic you have worked so hard to gain will do one thing...leave!

Reading a book and reading text on screen are two different things. Make sure your standard text is at least 14-point.

This should be the minimum text size for any of your pages, posts and online marketing emails.

Don't lose subscribers and traffic because your text is to hard to read!

2. Above the Fold Focus!

Have you heard of the term Above the Fold?

Its the area of your website pages and posts that welcomes your visitors. Its the part of your pages and posts your visitors see initially without having to scroll down.

Check your posts and pages. Is the content above the fold attractive and enticing enough that ensures your visitors want to scroll down and read further?

3. Traffic loves attractive easily digested information

OK, so your text is minimum 14-point and your fold is attractive and enticing...so how else can you ensure your visitors read each word and want to click?

Make sure all your content is beautifully presented and easily digested.

Small short sentences and paragraphs. Noone is going to read a massive block of text.

Captivating headlines that lead the reader into the next section

Headlines that make the reader aware of whats coming next and entices them to read on

Tease and tickle interest with crafted wording that captures the imagination and leads to your sale

Keep them interested...offer freebies, guides which offer what they need and captures their email address.

Online readers have short attention spans...captivate them and keep them.

4. Images and Pictures

Why say in words what you can show in pictures?

If you can display what you want to convey in an image then do it.

Online readers are visual and want the information fast and easy. looking at a ;picture is easier than reading

Break up your posts with relevant captivating images that directly relate to your topic.

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geraldkew Premium
Awesome materials, great of you share all this valuable information. Thank you Jason, cheers!
JasonGB Premium
You are very welcome. Glad it was useful to you my friend
kennick2015 Premium
Good sound advice Jason. Thanks for the share.
JasonGB Premium
You're most welcome
Pisquali Premium
Great tutorial Jason, well done.
JasonGB Premium
Thanks my friend
Glad it was well received
PjGermain Premium
Nicely done Jason! Another new tactic that I have learned is to add "Social Proof" on your page. This helps deliver credibility.
JasonGB Premium
Great tip! Thank you...off to research that right now. Cheers
CathyS Premium
JasonGB Premium
Thank you