The Human Touch

Your visitors are human, they want you to be as well. They want to build a relationship with someone they can trust and someone who is real.

So be real

1. Be you

Utilize your website space and about me page. Make it easy to find out information about you. Ensure your visitors can find out a little about you, your mission, your vision and your reason for being online.

Add a photo...visitors want to see the real you.

2. Recommend known products

Your credibility will fail and you'll lose subscribers if you promote products based on value and profit. If you recommend a product and it turns out to be rubbish or available for half the price somewhere else...goodbye subscribers.

promote only products you use or believe in or know to be quality and tell your readers your personal experience with them. personal relationships are built and lifetime customers are gained.

3. Feedback and Subscriber Recommendations

One sure fire way to gain new subscribers and keep your old ones is to offer them the chance to feedback on your recommendations and products.

Subscriber testimonials and personal positive experiences with you and your products will be huge winners!

4. Professors are in Universities

In your posts and blogs use friendly day to day conversational speak.

If your posts are academically worded or full of jargon you again are making it too hard for us to understand. And we leave to find the information on an easier to understand site.

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geraldkew Premium
Awesome materials, great of you share all this valuable information. Thank you Jason, cheers!
JasonGB Premium
You are very welcome. Glad it was useful to you my friend
kennick2015 Premium
Good sound advice Jason. Thanks for the share.
JasonGB Premium
You're most welcome
Pisquali Premium
Great tutorial Jason, well done.
JasonGB Premium
Thanks my friend
Glad it was well received
PjGermain Premium
Nicely done Jason! Another new tactic that I have learned is to add "Social Proof" on your page. This helps deliver credibility.
JasonGB Premium
Great tip! Thank to research that right now. Cheers
CathyS Premium
JasonGB Premium
Thank you