Make'em click, make 'em click, make 'em click!

Now your website is attractive and displayed at its finest its time to put in action some simple techniques to further increase the likelihood of those elusive clicks and subscriptions.

1. Freebies still work

You have loads of valuable information about your niche and/or products.

That information is wanted by others.

That information should be available from you to your visitors...on one little condition...they join your mailing list and you capture their email.

Make it worth their while. Give them a taste of whats to come and whats on offer.

Don't under estimate your knowledge base that others seek and need.

Things like "10 top tips on...."or "5 proven strategies to make money online"...etc..

Offer your niche what they want and capture emails.

2. What's in a name.

When offering the freebie or asking folk to join your newsletter or membership ask yourself...Do you really need their first name?

If not...remove the field and just ask for email address.

Research has shown that forms which only ask for emails convert 20-30% more than those asking for email address and name.

The reason...many..but 2 stood out as major reasons.

a) Anonymity - emails can be anything and some folk don't want you to know their name)

b) Laziness - the majority of people stated that it is quicker and easier to just submit an email address. Even one more field to fill in made people hesitate and not complete the form.

3. Call to Action Button

Change any call to actions that say Join here, Submit, Click here...

Boring call to actions are that...boring. Your visitors have seen them before and they didn't click them either.

You should always test your call to actions and see which get the best results

Try 100% Free Access or Instant Download or Act Now Instant Access.

4. Less is more

Use a squeeze page...

I love Wix's definition of a squeeze page

"A squeeze page is a landing page designed to capture opt-in email addresses from potential subscribers. The goal of a squeeze page is to convince, cajole, or otherwise ”squeeze” a visitor into providing one of their most sought-after and coveted pieces of personal data: the email address"

Get visitors to take action by clicking your call to action and submitting an email address. Once captured you can then gather any other information you want.

If your sign up page has multiple fields, terms and conditions, captcha code you are making it too hard for visitors and they will leave.

One field to capture emails and then in your first marketing email you can offer terms, conditions and ask for further details or nce you have taken them "off page" and captured a click then you can gather any information necessary

5. To Cloak or Not To Cloak ...that is the affiliate question...

I am sure this is what Shakespeare was truly asking....

Most people believe cloaking is the best method and in relation to being able to share your posts on FB, G+ etc it is the way to go as they look like internal links and you won't get labelled as spam.

However be aware that research at blogsite and blogger shows that 70% of visitors who are aware of cloaked links will NOT click them if they are cloaked! That's a lot of missed opportunities.

I personally cloak some but the majority I leave as they are. I always add an affiliate disclaimer so people know that I recommend the product and receive commission. I also make sure people are aware I only recommend products and service I use and believe in.

You need to test this on your own site and see what converts the best for you.

If you are cloaking and not making sales then perhaps its time to try a post and a squeeze with uncloaked links and see if it makes a difference...and vice versa of course.

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geraldkew Premium
Awesome materials, great of you share all this valuable information. Thank you Jason, cheers!
JasonGB Premium
You are very welcome. Glad it was useful to you my friend
kennick2015 Premium
Good sound advice Jason. Thanks for the share.
JasonGB Premium
You're most welcome
Pisquali Premium
Great tutorial Jason, well done.
JasonGB Premium
Thanks my friend
Glad it was well received
PjGermain Premium
Nicely done Jason! Another new tactic that I have learned is to add "Social Proof" on your page. This helps deliver credibility.
JasonGB Premium
Great tip! Thank to research that right now. Cheers
CathyS Premium
JasonGB Premium
Thank you