4. Use search engines to find competitors or related sites.

    Yes, you read it rightly; use Google search to uncover your competitors. Very few marketers know this; you can use google search to find sites closely related to your site. Apart from revealing competitors, if you have a favourite place and are getting fed up with searching a single location, you can use Google to discover other websites with related content.

    Below is the Google search tactics you will use

    Related: wealthyaffiliate.com

    It will give you a list of similar websites in affiliate marketing. It is a good technique that can help you uncover new websites.

    5. Search for Multiple Words or Phrase

      Many of us are unaware of how flexible and intelligent Googles algorithm can be. The algorithm knows you may not get your desired search result from just a set of keywords, so it gives room for you to search using two or more keywords or key phrases. This Google search tactics involve using the conjunction "OR", let us see below how you can use it.

      If I am searching for affiliate marketing, I can widen my search results by searching as shown below.

      "How to get started with affiliate marketing" OR "affiliate marketing for beginners."

      By doing that, Google will present the best results for both phrases. Also, remember the effect of using quotes as shown initially. It will take effect here too.

      6. Uncover specific dates and events

        Use two dots and a number to let Google know that your interest is in a range of numbers.

        Let us start with being specific on certain dates. If you want to know who won the Fifa women world cup in 2019, you need to use the following phrase.

        —--- the team that won FIFA women world cup in .. 2019

        The two dots and the number tells Google that you are specific to my search. You want the same team for 2019 and nothing else.

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        Recent messages
        Israel17 Premium
        Thanks for the idea of using quotes in searches, Ayodeji! It truly helps.

        Israel Olatunji
        Parameter Premium
        You welcome Israel,

        I am glad you found it engaging. Using quotes and other tactics makes finding exact match easy.

        emarla Premium
        Brilliant post. It has reminded me of some techniques to try that I had known about but somehow neglected to use them. Thank you so much. I appreciate your training.

        Parameter Premium

        That is great.
        Appling this tactics will speed up your search and make it much more effective.
        Thanks for sharing
        emarla Premium
        Thank you. Your info is so valuable!

        Take care,
        RosanaHart Premium Plus
        I've used quotes around my searches for years, when using a phrase. Takes you right there!
        Parameter Premium
        Thank Rosanna for sharing your experience. Quotes are one of those tactics that helps hit the nail on its head
