1. Use Quotes in some of your Searches

Quotes are a great way to help Google reduce guesswork. You tell Google you need n exact match of your phrase. When items are placed in quotes, you instruct Google and other search engines to give you the whole word.

A good example is when you search for AFFILIATE MARKETING CHECKLIST, the search engine will look for this search in any other and even present related searches.

But if you key in "Affiliate marketing checklist".

Google will give you content containing these keywords. It is an excellent way to dig out relevant content that could be buried in the other pages.

2. Search for specific sites with the aid of a colon

    Have you had times when you need to search for content on specific websites? A good example is searching for content on popular websites like neilpatel.com with many articles. It is straightforward; all you need to do is add a colon. See an example below.

    Affiliate marketing checklist:neilpatel.com

    It will search for all content relating to the affiliate marketing checklist, specifically on neilpatel.com. It will concentrate on neilpatel.com and exclude all other searches that are not relevant. Use this shortcut when specified on the website you want results.

    3. Use Asterisks Wildcard in your Searches

      If you are a lover of music and sometimes you do not know all the lengthy lyrics of your song. You can use placeholders to leave spaces for the missing words, and Google will fill in the gap for you.

      For example, let's take the famous Christmas chorus: oh come * let us * him.

      Reading this ordinarily may not make any sense to you or me, but Google will use the placeholders to complete the lyrics. Google will let you know that they are lyrics to the song - oh come, let us adore him, and the search engine will present the complete lyrics.

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      Recent messages
      Israel17 Premium
      Thanks for the idea of using quotes in searches, Ayodeji! It truly helps.

      Israel Olatunji
      Parameter Premium
      You welcome Israel,

      I am glad you found it engaging. Using quotes and other tactics makes finding exact match easy.

      emarla Premium
      Brilliant post. It has reminded me of some techniques to try that I had known about but somehow neglected to use them. Thank you so much. I appreciate your training.

      Parameter Premium

      That is great.
      Appling this tactics will speed up your search and make it much more effective.
      Thanks for sharing
      emarla Premium
      Thank you. Your info is so valuable!

      Take care,
      RosanaHart Premium Plus
      I've used quotes around my searches for years, when using a phrase. Takes you right there!
      Parameter Premium
      Thank Rosanna for sharing your experience. Quotes are one of those tactics that helps hit the nail on its head
