7. Look for a specific File.

    Many of us are not aware of the power of Google to search for specific files. Those who engage in academic research will find this tip most relevant. If you need to search for a particular PDF or Powerpoint file that you have used before during your research, you will find the tactics below helpful.

    *Title or related search term* filetype: pdf

    When using the syntax above, replace the title or related search term with what you are searching for. Follow it with the file type command and then the File extension. Google will present you with your desired results.

    8. Engage the Tabs

      It is another beneficial tactic when it comes to searching on Google. Use the uppermost tabs to uncover your searches. You will see All, Images, videos, news, books, and more accounts when searching Google.

      If you are searching for a video or feel the video will present the best result, click on the video tab. If you need news, use the news tab to narrow your search. A lot of folks are using these tabs to narrow down their searches. You are missing out on an essential Google search tactic if you are not.

      In conclusion, Google search is a powerful tool for understanding the relevant tactics to conduct searches. The tips are above are NOT exhaustive, kindly use the comment section to share your experience and other appropriate Google search tactics.

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      Recent messages
      Israel17 Premium
      Thanks for the idea of using quotes in searches, Ayodeji! It truly helps.

      Israel Olatunji
      Parameter Premium
      You welcome Israel,

      I am glad you found it engaging. Using quotes and other tactics makes finding exact match easy.

      emarla Premium
      Brilliant post. It has reminded me of some techniques to try that I had known about but somehow neglected to use them. Thank you so much. I appreciate your training.

      Parameter Premium

      That is great.
      Appling this tactics will speed up your search and make it much more effective.
      Thanks for sharing
      emarla Premium
      Thank you. Your info is so valuable!

      Take care,
      RosanaHart Premium Plus
      I've used quotes around my searches for years, when using a phrase. Takes you right there!
      Parameter Premium
      Thank Rosanna for sharing your experience. Quotes are one of those tactics that helps hit the nail on its head
