Okay, I get it, Chris…but, what’s in it for the WA promo site? It sounds like the WA promo site owners are doing most of the work, promoting the niche sites, and the niche sites get all the benefits! Not so fast!

It’s all in the blog post/page template, friends. This template accomplishes a lot of things in very little time and space, including:

1. This template makes posts which promotes both websites, while featuring the niche site it is reviewing.

That’s right. Both sites get promoted, posted to G+ and cross-shared! And, that's only fair, isn't it?

2. This template can create a new post in mere minutes! Think about how much that will help you fill out your WA promotion site with more content in a hurry, increasing your website activity.

3. This template creates unique posts that won’t hurt your site rankings in other ways, such as duplicate pages.

This is due to the fact that the template is very compact, so virtually everything in it changes from one review to the next...and it is flexible, so you can change more or less, depending on your needs.

4. Promoting WA is about promoting a lifestyle or a lifestyle change...getting away from the 9-5, etc. Folks often need to see examples to get a clear picture in their minds that they can do this!

This template format doesn't waste anybody's time, because it cuts right to the point...here's the example...do you like it...find out how you can do it, too!

In the next segment of this module is a visual example of the template I have created and have begun to use for implementing this social media marketing strategy, so we will take a look at that in just a moment

I hope, by now, you can begin to see how this process can benefit both the niche sites and the WA promo sites, and is worth the time and effort of both.

I personally have both kinds of sites here at Wealthy Affiliate, and I have already begun to implement this strategy, for my WA promotion site.

I have another strategy, still in the works, which focuses even more on niche sites, which is still under development, so I won’t go into that one here...let's look at the template.

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JChrisA Premium
Thank you so much for taking the time to check it out! If all of the active social media marketers would cross-share in G+, WA would "own" Google in no time! lol :)
albinchero Premium
This training is of its own kind, exceptional!
JChrisA Premium
I appreciate that...thanks! :)
speakwealth Premium
This is, hands down, the most ingenious idea I have read on this platform, as well as being a very detailed training series.
JChrisA Premium
Thank you for your kind words...I appreciate all recommendations. I really have to thank Kyle and Carson for the inspiration...as the Site Sharing idea simply attempts to take the Site Comments idea (boosting each other by trading comments) to G+ (boosting each other by trading G+ "shares"). :)
JChrisA Premium
Thanks for taking the time to view them, Juan! Hope you are having a sunny WA day. :)
Varga Premium
Thanks for putting this together.