Okay, I have built up this template as something powerful, so let’s look at that next. You may think it is impossible to research any website, write a review and then have it post ready in mere minutes…but, you can.

This is no ordinary positive review…I refer to these as DIY reviews…that’s right, it’s a Do-It-Yourself review! This is what makes construction of the original blog post for each review so fast and easy.

The audience visits the WA promo site blog post which is promoting the niche site. The reader is then simply asked to visit the niche site through a link and evaluate it. They are asked if they would like to work-from-home, by building a website and having an online business like that one.

The niche site gets the exposure and traffic through both the WA promo site and G+ activity; the WA promo site also benefits from the G+ activity while generating people interested in building a website business through WA.

Here is a visual of the basic template with important items noted in red:

Some important points to note:

1. I am giving each of my posts a unique number and using the name of the niche website being reviewed, in the URL title. This helps make every post unique.

2. I am spreading the niche site name as a link throughout the post to encourage click through.

3. The 1st paragraph is a 2 sentence positive description of what this particular niche website is about. This also unique for each post.

4. Short description of what this review post is about and graphics are standard and do not change.

5. Compensation disclaimer is standard and does not change.

6. 3-step bullet points instruct the reader what to do for starting a business like the one being reviewed (note: send readers to your Wealthy Affiliate review sales page, not directly to the WA sign-up screen).

7. Webpage closing is also standard and doesn’t change.

Notice how quickly this template can be changed for the next DIY review:

1. Change the # and niche site name of the post title.

2. Change the name links of the niche website throughout the post.

3. Write a positive 2 sentence paragraph description of the niche site.

4. Copy and paste the post title and your 2 sentence description into the SEO title box and description boxes, respectively and check mark the desired blog category box.

5. Add your feature image…I can alternate between standard ones made up ahead of time or I can customize a feature image for each post to generate even more interest.

6. Done! Ready to post to your WA promo site and share on G+!

As always, be flexible and adjust as you go...no doubt, I will be learning what works best as I test things out and will make changes...this is part of what strategy is all about. :)

Next...let's consider what tools are needed for site sharing,

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JChrisA Premium
Thank you so much for taking the time to check it out! If all of the active social media marketers would cross-share in G+, WA would "own" Google in no time! lol :)
albinchero Premium
This training is of its own kind, exceptional!
JChrisA Premium
I appreciate that...thanks! :)
speakwealth Premium
This is, hands down, the most ingenious idea I have read on this platform, as well as being a very detailed training series.
JChrisA Premium
Thank you for your kind words...I appreciate all recommendations. I really have to thank Kyle and Carson for the inspiration...as the Site Sharing idea simply attempts to take the Site Comments idea (boosting each other by trading comments) to G+ (boosting each other by trading G+ "shares"). :)
JChrisA Premium
Thanks for taking the time to view them, Juan! Hope you are having a sunny WA day. :)
Varga Premium
Thanks for putting this together.