I refer to my version of this idea as Site Share 2016. You will need to come up with your own title and logo for your version of it, so as I present this module, you should be thinking about that.

Here’s how it works:

There are basically 2 types of websites being built by Wealthy Affiliate members:(1) WA membership promotion sites (built around getting others to join WA to build their own businesses), and (2) niche promotion sites (built around selling 3rd party products and services).

Yes, there are those niche sites that also have their WA ads placed on them, and there are those of us, like me, who are building both kinds of sites; but for the most part, this distinction is clear and very real.

It is this difference that we are going to take advantage of to everyone’s benefit. We are going to use the power of G+ “Shares” to elevate all of our websites up to the next level in the eyes of Google, get search engine ranking benefits and many other benefits as well.

Before I go any further, let me stress what this is NOT about. I know there are a lot of WA members who use and promote other programs which are in competition with WA in the “make money on-line” industry.

I have no problem with that…Kyle even says “don’t leave money on the table” and recommends diversifying into other programs, as long as they aren’t scamming you or others. But, this is not about those other programs.

I will not be using this strategy, which I am about to explain, to promote anything other than Wealthy Affiliate and niche sites focused on other industries. We will be steering clear of both the “gray” areas and defined “boundaries”.

With that said, let's get further into the details...please turn the page. :)

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JChrisA Premium
Thank you so much for taking the time to check it out! If all of the active social media marketers would cross-share in G+, WA would "own" Google in no time! lol :)
albinchero Premium
This training is of its own kind, exceptional!
JChrisA Premium
I appreciate that...thanks! :)
speakwealth Premium
This is, hands down, the most ingenious idea I have read on this platform, as well as being a very detailed training series.
JChrisA Premium
Thank you for your kind words...I appreciate all recommendations. I really have to thank Kyle and Carson for the inspiration...as the Site Sharing idea simply attempts to take the Site Comments idea (boosting each other by trading comments) to G+ (boosting each other by trading G+ "shares"). :)
JChrisA Premium
Thanks for taking the time to view them, Juan! Hope you are having a sunny WA day. :)
Varga Premium
Thanks for putting this together.