Emulate Wealthy Affiliate ranking system

First let’s see how to emulate Wealthy Affiliate ranking system to climb on Google page rank.

You’re all familiar with WA’s ranking system. Here’s a screenshot of my profile. I deliberately share stats to show you something later.

As you can see, the more active you are, the likelier it is you’re going to climb on WA’s ranking ladder. During most of August I was preoccupied with other priorities in my life which naturally reflected on my ranking.

At some stage I was Ambassador, but wasn’t really interested in that kind of exposure so I dropped below position 25. Most of the time I was between 26-30, then I dropped to 38 (roughly) and I’m back to 35.

It’s the same with Google. Let me show you two examples.

First, my site powerfulaffs.com with the following details:

Here I reached the maximum with site trust of 80%. Pretty good.

Why? Because I worked a lot on it during August when my WA ranking plunged. The point is, you can’t have both. You can't maintain high WA ranking in an early stage and make tramendous breaktroughs on Google.

Second, another site howtowritequalitycontent.com

I don't have enough time to write genuine quality content so I focused on sharing useful materials I find online. At the moment it's more of a personal depository of useful content, than a serious website.

Am I making any money with these two sites? I made a few $$ with Powerfulaffs.com and none with Howtowritequalitycontent.com

Should I focus on just one or work on both sites? My experience tells me I should stick with one only. You can't be a master of all trades online. Not at the beginning at least.

What you can do, though, is providing value. Visit your competitors' sites, leave comments, provide useful info, get recognised as a helping hand by their audience.

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Ivine Premium Plus
Hi Mudre, thanks for the insight. Your training is great. Irv.
MudreM Premium
Thanks a lot, Irv.
GracePlace Premium
Mindblown you are one smart cookie! Glad doing business with ya!
MudreM Premium
I appreciate it Grace. Glad working with you too.
SadieChan Premium
Hi Mudre,
I believe there must be a balance of work on both WA and your own business. The Online business is pretty lonely if you simply work on it alone.
Even if one is making money it doesn't look exciting if no one is sharing your joy.
I found that if I want to get a good ranking at WA, It would mean taking up most of my time.
It is amazing some members can handle both side so well.
I have to be realistic and so right now I will be spending more time on my website instead.
Regards, Sadie.
MudreM Premium
I'm glad my training got you thinking. I believe it's possible to maintain high ranking and focus on your website, but it requires lots of time and dedication. For people like me with a regular job and family behind, that's not so easy. But hey, we're here because we like it.
Steve1958 Premium
Thanks very much for the training...
It will come in very hand and I appreciate it very much...
MudreM Premium
My pleasure Steve. Thanks a lot.
Ivine Premium Plus
Hi Mudre, excellent training. Irv.
MudreM Premium
I appreciate it. Thanks Irv.