Attract the attention of your target audience

How to emulate your activity on WA to attract the attention of your target audience outside WA?

Ask yourself: “How come your WA ranking improved?” Was it because you published posts or training, because you asked questions or because you provided help when others asked for help?

We’re different. Some prefer to create content (like I enjoy writing), some tend to help people around, while others tend to be very active on WA. All these add to your overall score.

If you want to make a name of yourself on search engines, you have to:

  • Create compelling and useful content (evergreen content – turn next page in this training),
  • Identify what your target audience really wants, not what you think they want,
  • Ask questions and provide answers not only on your site, but on other relevant sites.

By doing this, which is pretty much exactly what you do on WA, you get exposure and you become memorable member of the online community. If you provide useful content/other ways of help, people will come to your site. Sooner or later you’ll be able to make money online.

Essentially, it’s up to you to give people what they want.

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Ivine Premium Plus
Hi Mudre, thanks for the insight. Your training is great. Irv.
MudreM Premium
Thanks a lot, Irv.
GracePlace Premium
Mindblown you are one smart cookie! Glad doing business with ya!
MudreM Premium
I appreciate it Grace. Glad working with you too.
SadieChan Premium
Hi Mudre,
I believe there must be a balance of work on both WA and your own business. The Online business is pretty lonely if you simply work on it alone.
Even if one is making money it doesn't look exciting if no one is sharing your joy.
I found that if I want to get a good ranking at WA, It would mean taking up most of my time.
It is amazing some members can handle both side so well.
I have to be realistic and so right now I will be spending more time on my website instead.
Regards, Sadie.
MudreM Premium
I'm glad my training got you thinking. I believe it's possible to maintain high ranking and focus on your website, but it requires lots of time and dedication. For people like me with a regular job and family behind, that's not so easy. But hey, we're here because we like it.
Steve1958 Premium
Thanks very much for the training...
It will come in very hand and I appreciate it very much...
MudreM Premium
My pleasure Steve. Thanks a lot.
Ivine Premium Plus
Hi Mudre, excellent training. Irv.
MudreM Premium
I appreciate it. Thanks Irv.