Create evergreen content that ALWAYS ranks

Evergreen content never goes outdated. It’s like good wine – if properly bottled and stored, its value only grows as time goes by.

That’s your goal.

Write useful content that always attracts the attention of your target audience. The more useful it is, the more following you get. The more following you get, the likelier it is your traffic will increase in the future.

Money will simply follow.

Consider the following example. Kyle shared many links about the revamped WA page including the success stories page.

Here are some of the most successful WA members.

Do you know how many of these ten are ambassadors?

Four. The two founders, the WA training guy and Nathaniel.

The rest of them are within top 100, although they rarely blog or create content.

How’s that possible?

Simple. They’ve been here long enough and their content always attracts lots of likes and comments.

That includes content they published years ago.

WA members look for answers and constantly find content of top 10% most useful content creators.

That’s exactly what Google wants you to do.

Create useful and easy to understand content your target audience wants. Sooner or later, your Google page rank will improve. The more high quality content you publish, the quicker you’ll rise.

There’s a catch, though.

You’ve probably noticed some WA members whose rankings simply exploded within months or even weeks. Then, they dropped dramatically. Some of them never recovered, while a large portion of them gave up online marketing altogether.


They exploited all their topics on WA, failed to focus on the key point which is their online business, lost motivation and slowly perished from the web.

In other words, your online presence must be consistent.

Recall my site. I published only 54 posts + a few pages. You think that's enough to compete with established website?

Come on. Be serious.

Create lots of quality content and do it constantly.

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Ivine Premium Plus
Hi Mudre, thanks for the insight. Your training is great. Irv.
MudreM Premium
Thanks a lot, Irv.
GracePlace Premium
Mindblown you are one smart cookie! Glad doing business with ya!
MudreM Premium
I appreciate it Grace. Glad working with you too.
SadieChan Premium
Hi Mudre,
I believe there must be a balance of work on both WA and your own business. The Online business is pretty lonely if you simply work on it alone.
Even if one is making money it doesn't look exciting if no one is sharing your joy.
I found that if I want to get a good ranking at WA, It would mean taking up most of my time.
It is amazing some members can handle both side so well.
I have to be realistic and so right now I will be spending more time on my website instead.
Regards, Sadie.
MudreM Premium
I'm glad my training got you thinking. I believe it's possible to maintain high ranking and focus on your website, but it requires lots of time and dedication. For people like me with a regular job and family behind, that's not so easy. But hey, we're here because we like it.
Steve1958 Premium
Thanks very much for the training...
It will come in very hand and I appreciate it very much...
MudreM Premium
My pleasure Steve. Thanks a lot.
Ivine Premium Plus
Hi Mudre, excellent training. Irv.
MudreM Premium
I appreciate it. Thanks Irv.