OK before you go off into the wild west of Facebook you need to check your privacy settings. This is very important not only to allow people to have access to you but also to protect your brand.

Open each tab below and run though them to ensure you are happy with your level of privacy.

Image 1

Find your settings by clicking the down arrow on the top right hand side.

Image 2 - Go to Privacy

The important tabs in here are:

Who can see your future posts: set to Everybody. You do not want to limit your reach by just having family and friends. Remember you are now using FB for business.

Who can send you friend requests: set to Everybody. You will filter who you accept as a friend but the aim is to have 5000 active, engaged friends.

Who can look you up using the phone number you provided: set to Only Me. Personally I don’t want every Tom, Dick and Harry calling me. That's a little too much of an invasion of privacy!

Image 3 - Go to Timeline & Tagging

This is important to protect your brand. You DO NOT want anyone else but you posting to your timeline. You need to control what appears there as this is your personal brand. You will get the opportunity to approve posts by other people, but you will see them, and vet them, so only what you are happy with will be seen.

Who can post on your timeline:set to Only Me

Review posts that you are tagged in before they appear on your timeline: set to Only Me

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EdwinBernard Premium Plus
Hello Heidi,

The topics on my profile seem to be different to the ones you have stated here.

I have a header image and my profile photo. Instead of an Intro, I have an About section where there are line items for Overview, Work and Education, Places Lived, Contact and Basic Info, Family and Relationships, Details about me and Life's Events.

Can you advise me how to set this up? I can send you a screenshot via PM if necessary.

Thanks for your help.

Fredeim88 Premium
Hello Heidi. 😊 thanks for this valuable information! Thanks to you I have begun to take action upon my Facebook. Long overdue! I just hope that I'm not too late...

Due the fact I was cluttering up promotions all over the place I was banned. Yes, I was impatient and tried to take shortcuts and now I need to accept the consequences.

Now I just need to learn properly what posts I should share and how to offer value. I think this is the hardest part...

Also when it comes to making a closed group and use that as a funnel to your email list... I need to learn more about that as well.

You are such an inspiration with your trainings!

Keep up the good work! 😊
HeidiY Premium
It's never too late Fred, there are 2.1 billion users ready and waiting to hear from you. I have done other training on the types of posts to use, as well as finding targeted friends.

Please feel free to reach out if you have questions, and also if you would like to add me on FB I'd love to show your posts some support.
Fredeim88 Premium
Thank you, I appreciate it. I will add you immediately! 😊
Fredeim88 Premium
I see we are already friends! 😊
HeidiY Premium
What's your surname/FB name Fred? PM me if you'd prefer not to say here 😁
Fredeim88 Premium
No worries, I want to get my name out there. The way I see it you are the business, and the business is you.

My name is Fred Eimhjellen. I use the same profile picture all over.😊
HeidiY Premium
So very true Fred, found you in my friend's list .. woo hoo.
Fredeim88 Premium
Awsome! 😎
HonorB Premium
I'v not set up face book yet.
I find your images help me follow.
HeidiY Premium
Glad it helped Honor, if you have any questions once you give it a go, drop a comment below and I will happily help you out
Ahimbe Premium
I have not set up a Facebook account for my website and I think it's high time I did that.
This wonderful training has been noted to help me resolve this long overdue task.
HeidiY Premium
I am finding FB to be a goldmine for leads, so if you haven't done so already Ahimbe get your FB profile set up and see how you go.
Sipheni Premium Plus
Thank you so much for this training, Heidi.
I see where I messed. Instead of creating a Facebook group profile, I created a page! Well, that was a while ago.
When you get a chance, please have a look on follow me and advise if I should change anything.
Although my followers are not liking or commenting on my posts; google analytics tells a different story.
I get returning visitors via Facebook with a very low bounceback rate. Which means they do read my content although they don't seem to partake in discussions, or am I wrong?
HeidiY Premium
Hi Sipheni my apologies for not getting back sooner, I have been working on other projects away from WA.

Yes it looks like you have set up a page for your website, which is fine but I would recommend you also build your personal profile. Profiles get more reach with FB, you want your posts to be shown to as many people as possible and a profile with correct engagement will do that.

Pages are primarily for businesses wishing to advertise and FB limits their reach because of that.

You are welcome to stalk my FB profile to get an idea of the sort of set up and types of posts which will generate engagement :)

If you have any specific questions I am more than happy to help.