• Ask if you can record the interview. Once you get past the initial embarrassment and a small presentation, ask your host if he or she will feel comfortable with recording the interview so you can review it later. In this way, you can focus on high-level questions while you speak and refer to it for details and numbers, if instead you do not want to be registered, send them the detailed questionnaire with all the questions you intend to ask and ask where you deem it appropriate to detail and detailed the answers.
  • Keep the interview conversational. In this way, you will encourage them to chat more openly about their experience, which can lead them down paths you didn't expect and can lead to some truly unique and interesting food for thought.
  • Follow up for clarification. Sometimes, your host find it difficult to articulate what they are really trying to say. And when you reread the interview maybe one or more answers may not make sense, so ask for clarification so you can get the right story. They will appreciate you if you take the time to make sure everything makes sense.
  • Follow up questions. If you need to go deeper into a topic, ask follow-up questions. maybe your host touched a really important point that you want to emphasize. It is also okay to ask some other follow-up questions on this point.
  • Keep the need for quotes in mind. Knowing that you will need concepts to highlight in your case study when you put it together, take note of everything you hear during the interview that you think may be a good quote. To do this, try turning over what your host said again in a way that makes sense for the case study. For example, "When did you say X, did you mean XYZ?" helps you expand their points.

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eimba Premium
Great post, thank you for sharing the free traffic strategies.
Stay safe and healthy.
Piergiorgio Premium
Thank you Augustine for the comment.
Stay tuned for the next.

I wish you all the best
Ahimbe Premium
These are good traffic strategies.
Thank you for the training.
Piergiorgio Premium
Thank you for your comment
JeffreyBrown Premium Plus
Thank you for this, Piergiorgio!👍

Piergiorgio Premium
Thanks Jeffrey I'm very happy with your comment. This tutorial it will be the first in a long series

take care and stay safe!
See you soon
JeffreyBrown Premium Plus
Awesome! I'm looking forward to the next one!
