I’m talking about the CASE STUDY INTERVIEW STRATEGY and it is very simple.

The first thing you must do its creates a section on your website or a category called

Case Studies,Interviews, or Success Stories.

This section or category, it will be dedicated to the success stories that have inspired you most by leveraging the service/product which you are affiliated. On our case I refer to the WA.

By telling the successful experience of others and praising the product/service through their experience you get several advantages:

  1. A partnership with your guests by publishing the interview on your site creates organic traffic to their site and backlinks to your website by posting your interview on their websites or a short article usually the preview and a link to your site to continue.
  2. Using this strategy you show to your audience how they can use the service/products you are promoting and become successful as well.
  3. You can create a lot of content with this method from the experience of all your hosts creating different interviews.

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eimba Premium
Great post, thank you for sharing the free traffic strategies.
Stay safe and healthy.
Piergiorgio Premium
Thank you Augustine for the comment.
Stay tuned for the next.

I wish you all the best
Ahimbe Premium
These are good traffic strategies.
Thank you for the training.
Piergiorgio Premium
Thank you for your comment
JeffreyBrown Premium Plus
Thank you for this, Piergiorgio!👍

Piergiorgio Premium
Thanks Jeffrey I'm very happy with your comment. This tutorial it will be the first in a long series

take care and stay safe!
See you soon
JeffreyBrown Premium Plus
Awesome! I'm looking forward to the next one!
