Adding Other Fields and Good Behavior

The email address field is, of course, the most important thing to obtain. But, adding in a name field is good to later personalize your newsletter or autoresponder and help increase retention of your email subscribers.

So, on the next screen of the new form wizard is the field chooser:

STEP 10: Add Name Field

Click the Add New Field button shown below

The LABEL option is for you to identify this field later.

The PLACEHOLDER TEXT is what the visitor sees in the blank box awaiting their text entry.

As you can see, I labeled mine First Name and put First Name in the placeholder text box. You could also put "What people call you" in the box. I've done that before and think it's a cute unique way to ask for a first name.

You can click the pencil icon and edit the label or placeholder text for the email address if you wish.

Additionally, you will see the six wee dots to the left of the label. You can click and HOLD this to move one field above the other. Initially, it will put the Name field below the Email field which is rather backwards.

Lastly, you'll see the BUTTON TEXT option below the field chooser options.

By default the button simply says "Subscribe"


So, I changed it to Let Me In !

Again, this presents exclusivity and the joining of some secret club or special access.

You can change this to whatever you like. I just like to steer away from the boring normal "Join Now" or "Subscribe" or "Sign up" - Remember... CONVERSIONS !!! Stand out - be different!

Again, click the Save & Continue button to advance to the next step of your new pop-over, opt-in email form.

STEP 11: Good Behavior

The Behavior options is really cool and quite useful. It can be daunting at first, but relax. I'll teach you everything you need to know.

The behavior of a pop-over, pop-up is about when you want this thing to appear to the visitor. It can be set to appear immediately, or perhaps when they change to a different page on your site or if they begin to scroll down.

Many pop-overs I have seen will appear immediately and I feel that is a bit annoying and intrusive. I like to give my visitors a wee few seconds of time before my pop-over eloquently slides in or nonchalantly bounces down - gracefully! I don't wanna give someone a heart attack while viewing my website. :-)

So, the first option on this screen is the trigger delay - How long the option should wait before being triggered and displaying your new opt-in email subscription form:

Loading Delay

The default wait time (Loading delay) is 0, which means show it immediately after page load.

As you can see above, I changed it to 5 seconds. I sometimes go with 3 seconds. Test it out and see what you think.


Frequency refers to how often the pop-over should show to repeat visitors. If you have a new visitor that simply falls in love with your content and returns 5 days in a row, you don't want to annoy them with the pop-over every single day. Once every 7-10 days is a good interval.

After you set those options, click the bar below that is labeled as shown below:

Here you can control what the MailMunch plugin will do after the visitor submits their information and clicks your subscribe button:

I recommend setting up a Thank You Page.

Some pop-overs will simply say "Thank You" right on the form, then they close it and continue cruising our website. Not bad. BUT, you're giving up another opportunity to market your products or services.

Here is one of my Thank You pages as a mere example:

Notice the advertisement at the very bottom. This is my first pitch (other than on my actual web pages) for my main product - Wealthy Affiliate.

Below this is also my photo and signature to give it some personalization and an effect of credibility. Social proof is also a nice touch for credibility. They may not scroll down further..... BUT, what if they do?

Another tip: If your Thank You page provides a download, great Be sure to also provide the download link in your welcome email. This shows the new subscriber your devotion to customer service.

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LLiu Premium
Pj, thank you for this great training and this was very interesting to know and have Bookmarked it!
PjGermain Premium
Thanks again Linda!
MommyofNine Premium
how do you bookmark a training you wish to return to? Thanks!
Lovetohelpyo Premium
Nice training Peej! I'm not ready to implement this just yet but I'm very much looking forward to when I will be able to!

Thank you for a very simple to understand training!
PjGermain Premium
Awesome! Much appreciated Bobby!
playfulheart Premium
Thanks for this PJ
PjGermain Premium
Thank you Michael!
tansa Premium
What plug-in can I use if I just want to have a widget at the side to invite people to leave their email address for updates? I don't like the idea of pop-ups (even if delayed) as personally I find them annoying.
PjGermain Premium
This very same plugin will to that. Simply choose the the SIDEBAR widget option for your sidebar instead of the Popover option. But, I can tell you from experience, I have a 25% or better optin rate with the popover.
tansa Premium
Cool! Thanks for the input too - maybe I'll test run both options to see which works for me better!
ginax Premium
Nice training. I use Mail Munch too and no complaints so far :) it fits in very nicely with just about any theme or site
PjGermain Premium
Excellent! Thanks very much Gina!