Newsletters and Autoresponders

Okay, before we jump into setting this puppy up, let's quickly go over newsletters and autoresponders. While I will be instructing on the MailMunch plugin, it can connect and interface with some major newsletter and autoresponder services. Mailmunch is the presentation method. But, you'll need something else to handle sending the mails automagically.

Now, the difference between a newsletter and an autoresponder is small, but good to know. A newsletter can essentially be a one-time email of what's going on. Or, you can send it out once a month. Perhaps it contains sale items or coupons or other things. But, it is generally sent when you (the website owner) decides to prepare it and send it out to the folks on your email list.

An Autoresponder works a bit differently. I will send out a series of emails on a time-delayed schedule depending on when each person on your email list signed up. Perhaps a web visitor stops by your website and signs up today. We call this day 0. They can automatically receive your Welcome email message. Then, in 7 days perhaps they will receive your first of a series of tips on affiliate marketing or whatever niche your into. Then, another 7 days passes (day 14) another automated message goes out with another tip, trick or a snippet of one of your blog posts with a link to read more. Each of your email subscribers can be at different intervals of the email series depending on what day they initially signed up.

So, that's the small difference between newsletters and autoresponders. Also, note that many of the major autoresponder services such as AWeber and GetResponse will allow you to do both. I can send a one-time newsletter to all my folks on my autoresponder email list. Also, I can connect one autoresponder series to another autoresponder series (related training) depending on if the email subscriber takes a specific action.

Okay, enough background! :-)

STEP 1: Get the MailMunch Plugin

Login to your WordPress, click Plug-ins, Select Add new and search for MailMunch - (yep, just one word):

Click install

STEP 2: Register with MailMunch

Click on the MailMunch menu option that will be installed in your WordPress as indicated:

Yep, MailMunch will ask for your email address (registration) - Why? So, you'll be on their autoresponder and they can pitch you other stuff!! LOL! (This is why free plugins are out there - many times anyways.- email access and to push upgrades on us.)

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LLiu Premium
Pj, thank you for this great training and this was very interesting to know and have Bookmarked it!
PjGermain Premium
Thanks again Linda!
MommyofNine Premium
how do you bookmark a training you wish to return to? Thanks!
Lovetohelpyo Premium
Nice training Peej! I'm not ready to implement this just yet but I'm very much looking forward to when I will be able to!

Thank you for a very simple to understand training!
PjGermain Premium
Awesome! Much appreciated Bobby!
playfulheart Premium
Thanks for this PJ
PjGermain Premium
Thank you Michael!
tansa Premium
What plug-in can I use if I just want to have a widget at the side to invite people to leave their email address for updates? I don't like the idea of pop-ups (even if delayed) as personally I find them annoying.
PjGermain Premium
This very same plugin will to that. Simply choose the the SIDEBAR widget option for your sidebar instead of the Popover option. But, I can tell you from experience, I have a 25% or better optin rate with the popover.
tansa Premium
Cool! Thanks for the input too - maybe I'll test run both options to see which works for me better!
ginax Premium
Nice training. I use Mail Munch too and no complaints so far :) it fits in very nicely with just about any theme or site
PjGermain Premium
Excellent! Thanks very much Gina!