When I find a keyword that I want to use but also want to see if I can get a lower QSR, I will most times turn it into a question. This almost always will produce a lower QSR. Remember, a keyword is anything a person will type into a search engine, and what do people type into a search engine? A question. But sometimes just adding a word or two will do the trick.

Look what happened when I started adding one or two words to the keyword “vitamins for hair loss in women”

vitamins for hair loss women - 806 / 38

vitamins for hair loss in women - 806 / 100

the vitamins for hair loss in women - 806 / 7

best vitamins for hair loss in women - 89 / 19

the best vitamins for hair loss in women - 89 / 10

As you can see when I added the word “the” at the beginning of the keyword the QSR went down from 100 to 7. So then I replaced the word “the” with the word “best” and the Monthly Searches dropped from 806 to 89. Then again I added the word “the” and the QSR dropped from 19 to 10. This just proves that one word can make all the difference.


Now I am going to search for more keywords by researching the keyword “hair loss shampoo for women” as seen above. Grammatically correct keyword outlined in green, incorrect in black. After clicking on the word Searches at the top of the column twice to rearrange the found keywords from most searched first we now see what is shown in the image below.

Of those keywords I found 2 that had good QSR and they are…

best hair loss shampoo - 4195 / 147

hair loss product for women - 1070 / 63

Now I want to see what other good keywords I can possibly get from the keyword “hair loss product for women” so I click on the word “Dig” on the extreme right of the keyword as seen in the image above. This now does a research of keywords with “hair loss product for women” as the search term and I get what is seenin the image below.

This now gives me more keywords to research, including others further down the screen. One of the visible keywords in the image above that gave good results was

hair growth products for women - 1230 / 86

NEXT UP = Conclusion and more Free Keywords

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gkhchay Premium
Fantastic tutorial Robert, especially for a newbie like me. Now I'm much clearer on how to use keywords correctly. Cheers, Galen
boomergp08 Premium
Thanks Galen! I am glad I was able to help you understand keywords a little more.
RFaulkenham Premium
Thanks for some great information. This is helpful!
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome. I am happy I could be of help.
Mike-Writes Premium
Great tutorial, Robert. Thanks!
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome Mike. It was my pleasure!
amethystmoon Premium
Thanks this has cleared up some problems I have been having with content and keywords.
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome. I am glad I was able to make the training clear enough. I was worried it could have been too complicated.
amethystmoon Premium
It is clear enough
boomergp08 Premium
terrberr Premium
Hi Robert;
I highly value these in-depth keyword lessons you give us - thank you!
I would like to ask you a question about ...a question. Lol

"What is the world baseball classic"

...and just for comparison: "What is a snood"
This is my own example of a question that begs an answer...(it is a "nose warmer").

But that first one there already says, "world baseball classic";)

I do appreciate your examples, Robert; thanks always!

I just wonder about some search subjects warranting a question...do you see my thought that imposing a question format for some keywords may sometimes seem a wee bit arbitrary?
"World baseball classic" isn't a bad example (because there would be further definition of course), but what about something like, ''What is weight loss"?

By asking a question, does it simply mean our keyword will have great (low) QSI, so it will rank on page 1?

Thanks so much for your analysis of all things Keyword!:)
boomergp08 Premium
What is weight loss would not be an appropriate question but the question, what is the best form of weight loss or how to achieve weight loss, may be better questions.

If the keyword was lose weight then that would open up more possible question like, how to lose weight or what is the quickest way to lose weight?

Not every keyword would be best served as a question but a good portion of them could be.
terrberr Premium
That makes sense; thanks, Robert:)
boomergp08 Premium
You are welcome.