Step 2- Under Each Passion think of some pages and posts you could put on your site. Break those up into 2 categories- ones that you could easily write about basically from the top of your head, or content you may need research a bit, but are excited to learn about.
Like I mentioned on the previous page, you DO NOT need to know all the answers. Just have a love for the niche.
Example: When I wanted to do my site about rock n' roll, I wrote down the types of categories I would like. I knew I wanted to dissect each decade, so I have a rock n' roll decades section, and it branches off into decades starting from the 50's until now.
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Very helpful tutorial. I think I've been following your method in head already. Now I'll write it down. I'm still struggling to come up my niche. I'm torn between one that I know a fair bit about (guitars) and one that I'm probably more passionate about, but am also intimidated by because of the high quality of writing. (Short Stories). I'm not sure I'm a great reviewers of literature (i'm more of a writer than a critic) so I'm not sure if I'll be that good at reviews.