This didn't take too long to go through every single post/training that I have favourited and now have a filing system which makes my life easier when I look for that post/training I know it is here. YES! THERE IT IS !

Go and play with this. The best part is, it doesn't take long to sort all your posts/training into an order that will please you. I will still be refining this system more as per Part I here.

NEVER, EVER HAVE A MISCELLANEOUS FILE OR YOU WILL HAVE ANOTHER HEADACHE ON YOUR HANDS! But you may create a top priority tag to put in posts/trainings that you intend to watch at the weekend and then sort them into your categories you have created

If anything is unclear or you have any questions, don't be shy, let me know and I'll do my best to answer your question/request.

It is always inspiring when you comment, so please do and the icing on the cake is you liking the page, only of course if you truly like this training. I mean it wouldn't be fair of me to ask if you didn't like the training now would it?

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elinadk Premium
Thanks for the great training.
Ultimateless Premium
Thanks for the compliment, Elina.
MartyHubon Premium
Michael Thank you ... I'm starting right now by tagging this training. Great stuff!!
Ultimateless Premium
I bet your filing system looks a treat now?

Great compliment by the way!
reanna1 Premium
Thanks for this training, Michael!
Ultimateless Premium
You are very welcome, Rebecca.
Loes Premium
O my... this is fantastic!
Ultimateless Premium
Coming from you, Loes, has made me do my happy dance, lol !
Loes Premium
Haha, enjoy your day Michael:)
ArtByHeart Premium
Arranging them under tags is really great! Thnx :-)
Ultimateless Premium
Thank you, Mira, I am glad this has helped you.