How to Add a Text Overlay

To add text click on the Object tab, then the letter T.,

Now go to the letter (T) where you can add text to your photo.

Add your text to the top by clicking on the T like I have and choose the colour then size which may depend on the size of your photo, then the opacity bar, slide to, open full.

Going down to the outline you can chose a colour to be a shadow of your writing then clicking on the outline plus text circle and hitting the apply square.

Now chose the thickness (1 to 36).

You will now find your writing in the photo so go ahead and hit the OK button.

If it is too long then go back, click where you want the second line to start then hit enter and make it two lines.

Now it is time to position your writing where you want it to go by moving the enclosed block which is the system used in most of the internet.

Drag the sides in or out, up or down experimenting to suit your needs and if you do not like it hit the X and delete it then go back and hit the T again to start again.

There are many other things you can use in this section but this is the basics.

In (Tools) there are many extras as well to use when you are comfortable with the basics outlined within this lesson.

If this is what you find is up your ally then let me know how you feel about it and then add some advice to help other followers here as teamwork is the best educator for teacher and student.

I have shown some of the basics to PhotoScape to help you get started but not be overwhelmed with it, so practice with it and have fun.

Let me know if this Tutorial is working in your favour.

I will continue with additional training about what I find best with my photos on PhotoScape.

Your photos with practice will then compete with the best.

Thanks one and all for accepting my first tutorial.

Thank you for your time,

Tom Short.

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bijanamid1 Premium
Hi, Is there any other way other than chrome to download it?
Tirolith Premium
I hardly ever use chrome.

Most of my work goes through Firefox. "Microsoft."

DaveSw Premium
Thanks, Tom...I am a photography fan and used to develop my own film, etc. in the 70s...With the advent of digital, so many more things are possible...You have helped me in my quest to get better! Cheers! Dave : )
Tirolith Premium
Thanks, Dave for your encouragement.

With your experience, you may be able to add more advice to help us all as a team be better.

MarionBlack Premium
Great tutorial, Tom. I've learned a lot about using Photoscape thanks to you.
Tirolith Premium
Thanks, Marion as I am a keen follower of your lessons here in WA.
klchang Premium
Thanks for sharing, Tom.
Kind regards.
Tirolith Premium
Thanks, KL fou your interest in my first lesson.

megawinner Premium
Great for the newbie.
Tirolith Premium
Thanks, Florentino for your interest.
megawinner Premium
You are welcome Tom.