404 Putting it all Together
Step 4: Adding the Code for the Image
Okay, now that you have your shiny new 404 graphic and are all jazzed to display it to the world - yea, that you have a broken link - LOL! - let's put the code in.
Returning back to the Theme Editor -
Find the line that shows the text such as:
<p><?php _e( 'It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try a search?', 'twentythirteen' ); ?></p>
(The reason there are so many spaces before the line is to show hierarchy within the code. You don't have to put in all those spaces, but it works for me.)
Simply add the following line just above (or below) that line of text as such:
<p><center><img src="YOUR-IMAGE-FILE-URL-WEBADDRESS" /></center></p>
Now, OF COURSE, you will replace the URL with the URL of your image file (from Step 3). Leave the double-quotes in there. That's PHP stuff. So, here is mine as an example:
<p><center><img src="http://pureresiduals.com/wp-content/uploads/oops4043.jpg" /></center></p>
Side Note: The < p > thingy is the syntax for the beginning of a paragraph. The ending one is < / p > . Of course there is a Center tag also - and a closing Center tag. That's just like HTML.
Boom! Save the file and test!!!!
I hope you found this useful and FUN!
(Or, is it just me?!)