The review troll is often controlled by greed or is somehow connected to a scam. In most cases this person will try to discredit you and your integrity to dicredit the review itself. I had a single post where 22 scammers came out and harrased me to the tune of 208 comments over a 9 day period of time.

Their goal was to make me retract my scam review, discredit me, or intimidate me into shutting down my blog. None of them had more than a fake name, movie start gravatar, and an affiliate link to the scam program.

Here is what I put out in regards to the attack while not addressing the trols other than answering valid questions with no emotion.


There are people in this world who take joy in defaming others to forward financial gain. These comments as you can see are far stretched and often repeat the same attack lines from troll to troll. Our post are done with a combination of research, insiders information, and experience stretching back to 2003. I will not be intimidated and ask you to not be intimidated either. Thanks for your time please comment below.

The results

I could have deleted the controversey and blocked a ton of accounts but I only deleted the accounts that were vulgar and used profanity. In the end the FTC shut down the program but the controversey drove over 330 people into one program, sold several info products, and generated more than $900 in sales commissions.;

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mcknisu Premium
Good one!! Thanks for sharing!
MaryAnnMc Premium
Thanks for sharing. Great advice.

I once read it doesn't hurt to write down your feelings BUT DON'T POST IT! Just get it off your chest, have a cool down period, and then go back and construct a reply as in your example. What you would say in the heat of the moment, you most likely wouldn't say once you peeled yourself off the ceiling and looked at the comment objectively.
IncomeLegion Premium Plus
Tremendous advice. I walk away from the PC and check my Instagram from my phone or go to the park and come back or at least answer other comments first.
MaryAnnMc Premium
I think we can apply this to our personal lives as well. Sometimes we just want to lash out but in most cases that's not wise.

Mary Ann
JKulk1 Premium
I love this training Chris. Trolls remind me if school yard bullies. Jim
IncomeLegion Premium Plus
And it's exactly right. If you don't let them get to you bullies find victims other than you.
JKulk1 Premium
Sadly I let the schoolyard ones get to me for the first 7 years of my school life .
IncomeLegion Premium Plus
The worst part for my kids has been that with Cyberbullying they can't even escape it at home. Some of them have been strong in the face of it a couple have not been able to defeat their bullies yet but we are working with them.
madyibilg Premium
Thank you for sharing this information.
IncomeLegion Premium Plus
Not a problem, I have been trolled dozens of times over the past 16+ years and these are tips I give all my students and readers.
GlenPalo Premium Plus
Excellent advice, Andy. You let the air out of their balloons.
IncomeLegion Premium Plus
Thanks, Glen. Just goes to show that turning the other cheek really can work to your advantage. Like I said a little paragraph added to the bottom of a scam review back when I had MyViralBlog lead to over $900 in income because of a 22 troll attack.