Your customer list is an asset

As I stated a customer list has real value and should be maintained in good form although the question is how do you do this?

Let's get started
The first and easiest way that is cost free is a basic Excel file.
List name
Email address
Phone Number
Physical address
Business details
Save it in a file on your computer as a CSV file.

You can however purchase any number of Contact Relationship Management systems (CRM) to do this for you. Cost vary from free to hundreds of dollars a month depending on your needs.

CRM explained

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a technology for managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. The goal is simple: Improve business relationships. A CRM system helps companies stay connected to customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability.

Names like ZOHO, Sales Force Monday are readily available and offer a free trial
And Finally.

Use a carrier

When you use an email portal to mass send your emails they generally maintain a system for you included in the price and we will cover that in the next page.

Let me provide a great example of why have a list;

A customer of mine ran an aquarium shop selling tropical fish etc. Times were tough and she could not sell the shop or any of the fixtures. She closed the doors and gave most away. A sad experience for anyone.
Her competitor however rang me and asked if he could buy her contact list, He offered good dollars for it knowning he could mail the list and grab a bundle of new customers.
She did not have a list and missed out on a lot of money.
Two take aways from this;
1 She was not in contact with her customers
2 The only saleable asset was non existant

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LDSewell Premium
Nice guide and great info. I also follow the same people as you mentioned and a few more too. Alwasy good to learn from those further ahead on similar journeys as you have planned whenever possible!

Best regards,

L.D. Sewell
hanley Premium Plus
Thanks for the great reply.
It was interesting that I am currently doing an email list and had to go back to my writing and do it properly, shortcuts don't work.

Kind regards

Peter H
olieben Premium
Clear and informative guide with experience and logic

thanks Hanley

hanley Premium Plus
Thanks, Chris for taking the time to post a like and a comment.
This training was done nearly a year past but not much has changed. Email is still the cheapest and best way of contact to a list. I have certainly gone further with a Newsletter concept for a better open rate.
Fleeky Premium Plus
Trully enjoyed!

Keep us posted
YanFellow Premium
That's great training, thanks!

suzie81 Premium
Hi Hanley, thanks for the great post. Will be adding an email list to my website soon so it great to read what other people have done.