The basic Newsletter

First of all is a basic newsletter. No oversell just general items of interest, events, specials etc.
This is the customer touch that we must maintain and build on

Not to long, lots of visual aids and a soft call to action at the end.

An example.
A signwriter sends out a monthly Newsletter showing the latest car wrap or Large building sign. I might not buy this month but eventually when I am ready he will be my first point of contact. As a by product he is advertising for his client in the mail.

I send to my base Items of interest to small business that I gather from Google.

A Carpet store sends stories on new installations and new products used.

Then there is Target marketing

Target marketing.

Where you have new products, special Pricing limited supply type situations.

Segregate your audience

Only send marketing material to interested buyers by segregating them in groups.
Those that will buy General Motors products away from Ford Buyers as an example.

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LDSewell Premium
Nice guide and great info. I also follow the same people as you mentioned and a few more too. Alwasy good to learn from those further ahead on similar journeys as you have planned whenever possible!

Best regards,

L.D. Sewell
hanley Premium Plus
Thanks for the great reply.
It was interesting that I am currently doing an email list and had to go back to my writing and do it properly, shortcuts don't work.

Kind regards

Peter H
olieben Premium
Clear and informative guide with experience and logic

thanks Hanley

hanley Premium Plus
Thanks, Chris for taking the time to post a like and a comment.
This training was done nearly a year past but not much has changed. Email is still the cheapest and best way of contact to a list. I have certainly gone further with a Newsletter concept for a better open rate.
Fleeky Premium Plus
Trully enjoyed!

Keep us posted
YanFellow Premium
That's great training, thanks!

suzie81 Premium
Hi Hanley, thanks for the great post. Will be adding an email list to my website soon so it great to read what other people have done.