Data Base email marketing

First of all some basic email housekeeping issues to cover.

1} Email marketing is covered by the Anti Spam laws in your country and penalties are harsh so you should be aware of the rules before you start any campain.
My basic rule is that customers that have contacted you and provided an email address for future contact are valid targets with an exception. If a customer has contacted you about Farm Machinery you can not email them about Icecream. OK? let's move on.

2} A customer list is possibly your greatest asset. It can return you income every month for years to come. The Golden rule has always been a $1 return per customer from a good list.
So 2000 on the list can return you $2000 every month. Take this with a degree of salt because there are al lot of if's and but's.

3} Customer touch is well known as a great way to maintain active partisipants in those with which you market. Without regular contact we stand every chance of losing everything we have worked so hard to gain. Email is by far the the easiest and cheapest method to do this.
Other ways include, telephone contact, SMS, Facebook marketing, face to face etc

Next after you build a list and sending

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LDSewell Premium
Nice guide and great info. I also follow the same people as you mentioned and a few more too. Alwasy good to learn from those further ahead on similar journeys as you have planned whenever possible!

Best regards,

L.D. Sewell
hanley Premium Plus
Thanks for the great reply.
It was interesting that I am currently doing an email list and had to go back to my writing and do it properly, shortcuts don't work.

Kind regards

Peter H
olieben Premium
Clear and informative guide with experience and logic

thanks Hanley

hanley Premium Plus
Thanks, Chris for taking the time to post a like and a comment.
This training was done nearly a year past but not much has changed. Email is still the cheapest and best way of contact to a list. I have certainly gone further with a Newsletter concept for a better open rate.
Fleeky Premium Plus
Trully enjoyed!

Keep us posted
YanFellow Premium
That's great training, thanks!

suzie81 Premium
Hi Hanley, thanks for the great post. Will be adding an email list to my website soon so it great to read what other people have done.