Now that I had the image I wanted, it was time to move onto the text that I needed to go along with it.

Creating Your Text In MS Word

So for my header I wanted text stating a couple of different things, such as:

  • Millison Agency
  • Quality Insurance Products For Your Auto, Home & More
  • Come stop by and let our friendly staff help you with your insurance needs
  • Call For A Quote Today & Our Phone Number

The Nice part about using word here is that you can change the font style, size, and color as you see fit. As you can see in the image below there are all kinds of different options (note that different versions or Word will vary in appearance).

One by one I typed in the different phrases that I wanted and made them the sizes, colors, and fonts that worked for me. Then all you have to do is copy the text and paste it into your Paint Image.

Pasting Your Word Into Paint

When you copy your text over to Paint it will drop it off in the upper left hand corner with a box around it. If you hover the mouse over top of the text box you will get the four way arrow indicating that you can grab and drag the box to where you want it.

Grab the text box and move it down to an open space. Be careful here as the box will cover up other imagery already in place. This is part of why you want to make sure that you have a big area within paint to work with. Once you have the box somewhere safe click elsewhere in paint to place the image there.

Now you can grab the select feature and draw a box around the text more precisely as shown here:

Now as you can see, I have the text box wrapped much closer to the actual text and this will allow for easier placement without covering up other things with the extra space. If you click on the drop down arrow on the select tool, you can also choose a freehand selection if you really need to get closer. Typically with text though that is not a concern.

Once you have all of your text copied over and your image there, it is time to arrange everything as needed.

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runninstermz Premium
if you check out my website my header image I did in pain. it was tedious though!
Jaweda2k Premium
That looks great! I can see how it would have been a bit tedious, but now that it is done you are good to go! Thank you very much for sharing that with us here.
ladyluck2013 Premium Plus
Thanks for sharing this. I have seen the paint feature before, but never really understood what it is used for. Now I know, and I will keep this idea in mind when I cannot find the exact photo or image I want for my posts.
Jaweda2k Premium
It is a nice simple program that can be very helpful. I have used it on many occasion already and am learning more and more about different ways to use it.
mlccombs Premium
OMG, I am so ignorant...I never even knew I had this program. I need to start learning. Thanks for sharing the KISS options out there. Marisa
Jaweda2k Premium
I prefer to call is SKIS (Seriously, Keep It Simple) versus KISS as I do not like the stupid connotation. I ever have a post on my WA Site about that actually.

Otherwise, this is exactly one of the reason I did this training as it is simple and something that most of us have access to.
mlccombs Premium
I like that better, SKIS, from now on
mlccombs Premium
Hi James, just read your post, excellent thinking. Any chance you could take a quick look at my discussion I posted today? Wallowing in making new theme decision but after reading your post leaning toward the cleaner simpler Mocha from studiopress. Have only had a few responses. Only if you get a chance. Thanks and have a great day, marisa
TJ7774 Premium
This is great! People always think that people my age should be super computer saavy, but really I am not. Programs like paint and word are familiar to me and I am excited to test out some images. Thanks for sharing this. This is a great place for me to start, and hopefully one day I can graduate to more advanced programs.
Jaweda2k Premium
Glad to help shine some light into your life there for yah! Feel free to hit me up with any questions you may have along the way. Best thing I can tell you though is to just play around with it and try different things.
Jackiex4 Premium
Hello James. I've never used paint before but shall give it a go now. Thanks
Jaweda2k Premium
Its a rather simple program, but that is it's greatest asset. It will not work miracles, but this is another nice tool to have handy on your journey here.