We've seen how to add an image, and how to transform the image in dramatic ways which includes adding shapes and text.
Believe it or not, there's much more that we can do with just some simple text....this is really cool!
Go to the Insert menu and click on Word Art. Scroll through and select the color and style you like. A textbox will be inserted so just type anything that you want and it will be formatted with your selected style!
Here's an example of one I just created:
You can change the style of your word art at any time by just selecting it and going back to the word art menu.
You can also combine the techniques learned earlier with this one and add Word Art to your image from the previous lesson.
Here I've added some word art to our sunflower image. Note: the green dot at the top of anything added in this tutorial will allow you to tilt. (that's how I got the word art to be on an angle)
I'm going to have fun with this. It's just what I've been looking for!
Thanks again :)