Why Should You Have a Favicon?

Most likely you are trying to establish your website and yourself as an authority in your niche. A Favicon makes your website look much more professional than having the generic Favicon supplied by SiteRubix. Have a look at the Favicons used by authority websites. Don't they look professional? Don't they give the impression that the website is representing an established business?

Do I Use Favicons?

As I have quite a number of websites I have a different Favicon for each. You can visit some of my websites and see what they look like but please leave the tab in your browser open so my bounce rate doesn't go through the roof. Thanks. Feel free to leave a comment while you're there, I'll return the favor and I'll include a backlink to your website in my comments section. Backlinks benefit us all.

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stn67 Premium
Great lesson i had mine and maby it not help my ranking but it feele Good to have my own logo
MarionBlack Premium
Yes, Steen. It feels good and it looks more professional.
MasterEd Premium
Nice! Thanks for sharing!
MarionBlack Premium
You're welcome. :-)
Kathy331 Premium
I know how to do this Marion but I see the question asked frequently. I'll favourite this, a good resource to link to. :)
MarionBlack Premium
Thanks Kathy. I appreciate your comments and your links. :-)
AndyJ Premium
Great stuff, thanks for sharing Marion.
MarionBlack Premium
You're welcome, Andy. Please post a link to your website when you have got your own favicon.
Loes Premium
I have all favicons, tagged you for future questions Marion
MarionBlack Premium
Thank you, Loes. I've got you tagged too.