Author Triblu
Rank 41

As promised, below is the code ...and text that you can easily edit to suit your purpose.

<div style="position:relative;right:15%;left:20%;">
<div style="width:55%; border:1px dotted blue; padding:5px; margin:5px;"><strong>Disclosure:</strong> Feel free to use this code to create boxes on your web pages but DO remember to add the code using your Text Editor. You can change the color of the line to whatever color you wish to use.</div>


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jlclayton1 Premium
I love the idea of putting disclaimers and other info that I want to emphasize in a box like that. Thank you for sharing this with us!
Triblu Premium
You're very welcome Janelle.
j52powell Premium
Thanks a lot, Trish.
Triblu Premium
You're very welcome Joe.
MissionQL Premium Plus
Thanks. Been looking how to create a box of some sort around a 'Table of contents' section in my articles. Wish I new this earlier now that I have about 46 posts already published.
Triblu Premium
You're welcome Benjamin.
Hmmm... I've never placed a box around my table of contents before... but that could work for sure!
jlclayton1 Premium
I use the Easy Table of Contents plugin, and it appears on your post with a box around it. Just another way to do it if you're interested.

Triblu Premium
Ooooooh, now I get what you mean. Being as I learned HTML back when that was our only option for creating websites, I don't use any plugins to create my table of contents. Though I must admit... if I were creating 46 posts with large tables of content, I just miiiiiiight be tempted to use a plugin.
jlclayton1 Premium
I'm not savvy at all when it comes to HTML, so a plugin like Easy Table of Contents was a godsend for me to add that function to my sites. I love learning from members like you who know how to add functionality to your sites without going for a plugin every time!
Triblu Premium
In the "good ole days" whenever I saw something I likes... let's say that box around your table of contents... I would right-mouse click on the page in question, select "View Page Source" (in Firefox, as it may be stated slightly different in other browsers) and then go down the page until I found the code.

I'd copy and paste the ENTIRE table of contents... open my WYSIWYG HTML editing software and then proceed to remove the code I did not want. Once I accomplished this... I would start to adjust the code left to see what might happen... and, of course, I would have needed to add placeholder text.

It was fun discovering something new... back when NO one was teaching anyone how to create web pages. :-)
jlclayton1 Premium
I would've never thought of that, such a great way to learn!
CandP Premium
Thank you, Trish, this is very useful.
Colette and Philip
Triblu Premium
You're very welcome Colette and Philip.
otikoroASH Premium
Cool thanks I can see using this.
Triblu Premium
You are very welcome Ashley, and Thank YOU for letting me know you found this useful.